Wish Granted

The time has come. Many of you loyal readers out there were wishing for that Jesus Caffeine Prize pack that I was offered last Friday. But alas, we can only have one winner (this time…)

And the Jesus Caffeine winner is…


Congratulations, Brittani and WISH GRANTED. You are the new owner of a Starbucks gift card, journal and “Guerilla Lovers” book . CONGRATULATIONS once again and thanks from the bottom of my heart to all of you who entered. Seriously. It blew me away!

The amazingness of this ministry thus far coupled with granted wishes (or rather answered prayers) finds me needing to revisit my word  for 2012.


When I picked that word at the very beginning of 2012 over two months ago, I didn’t know that God was going to send my husband to Ranger School and call Brandon to be physically absent from my life for 11 weeks. I didn’t know that I was going to go from becoming a ministry “intern” to an apprentice. (This step was an affirmation that I am called to ministry… whoa.) AND I certainly didn’t know that God was going to tell me launch a personal ministry called 7 Days Time, taking my blog and mission to a much deeper level.

Ever heard that when you ask God for something, He doesn’t give you that “thing” but rather gives you situations to experience it? You know, like a gal in Georgia asks God to help her to depend on Him, fully, completely, totally, always and He gives her some great surprise situations to put it into action.

Case and point —> Sharita Knobloch.

It’s already been a crazy ride for 2012. I have a sneaky suspicion that God is up there stirring up some more ideas of how He can put my desire for “dependence” on Him into action.

I have had to depend on Him to be my “husband” while my earthly one is away. I have experienced completely dependence on Him throughout this 7 Days Time ministry experience. And as overwhelming as it might be somedays, I am excited to see what other experiences He has in store for me to depend on Him this year.

Do you have a word for 2012? How is God putting that into action? I would love to hear how God is working in your life… Remember, nothing is impossible with God. It might not be super easy or on the top 10 list of most fun things in the history of the word. But if you pray for your “word” to be answered and put into action, I promise that God will give you a gentle nudge, a sweet wink and say, “You got it darling… Wish Granted.”

Dependent on Him and happy about it,


“Know this: God, your God, is God indeed, a God you can depend upon.” –Deuteronomy 7:9

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