Unhurried Hallelujahs

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


We all know that making the conscious heart decision to follow Jesus is a life-changer.

Correction: It is an eternity-changer.

Lately, the Lord has taken this whole “Follow Me” thing to a new level in my heart through the duration (and subsequent conclusion) of this Lenten season.

Yes, when that tomb was empty on that glorious Sunday morning, it changed my eternity. But the revelations He revealed to me the last couple of months has changed my right-now life.

UnhurriedBecause I found Jesus in my everyday in a whole new, exciting way.

You might recall that for Lent this year, the Lord told me to give up hurry.

That’s right– hurry. I didn’t think it was a huge deal, but apparently hurry had a pretty solid place in my heart, right next to chocolate and inky pens.

I loved to hate it. Or hated to love it. Not sure which. Either way, hurry had to go.

And fast. #PunIntended

It is no earthly coincidence that my OneWord this year is REST. And that our Thursday night home group (which we lead, BTW) is studying  “The Hurried Family: Little House on the Freeway.”

God even made me stop constantly wearing a watch by giving me a rash on my wrist. Weird– but what a blessing!

Friends, giving up hurry in my everyday has literally changed my life.   Here’s how:

1. I have abundant joy. In one of the first few chapters of our study (probably around the beginning of Lent– coincidence? I think not) a statement in our book said, “Hurry steals our joy.” HELLO, Lighbulb Jesus moment! My entire life, I have been an achiever. Do more, faster, better, greater. Although I lived in a constant state of stress, this seemed to work out ok until I graduated college and REALLY started to follow the Lord. Since become a mama over two years ago, I have seriously struggled with finding joy  as I attempt to balance military marriage, motherhood, ministry and allthethings.

But as I sought to ruthlessly eliminate hurry in my everyday life, from my task list to just getting a toddler ready to leave the house, I have found significantly abundant joy. I see things that I previously missed. I experience moments that make my heart swell. I laugh easier. Sleep deeper.

And wouldn’t you know it? As I have slowed down and let the Lord truly, TRULY set the pace for my life, I am getting more done than ever before. Only with A LOT less stress/tension/worry and with much more joy. #WhoKnew

2. I have a deeper, steadfast peace. With God’s joy comes peace. I don’t mean that my life is all rainbows, sunshine and puppy dog tails. Joy is not the same thing as happiness. Being happy is a feeling, joy that leads to peace is a state of heart. Although I don’t reside there permanently (yet), eliminating massive chunks of hurried heart in my hurried home has helped my soul to rise above my circumstances. God’s peace transcends our circumstances. Whether or not the baby naps or the money stretches should have minimal impact on how I live in God’s peace. Sure, circumstances make me reach harder for His peace, but the level of availability is just as great. My faith is now more easily stirred and not so much shaken. (Well, most days anyways.)

3. I have renewed resiliency. Not going to lie, my schedule has always threatened to become an idol. MY time/plans are always lurking, trying to run the show. But guess what? The last couple of months being separated from my hubs per army stuff has opened a new door of flexibility. In the past, because I was ALWAYS in a hurry, one change to my schedule would nearly be a show stopper (or at least a peace-robber.) Now, because I more deeply trust God with my time and schedule, I can roll with the punches with less chocolate/tears. He is giving me more strength, resiliency and time to bring Him glory, even on days where I fly 4000 miles by myself with a two-year-old while facing changed flights, missed connections and lost luggage. (Just ask me how I know…)

4. I have more Jesus. Friend, hurry is no longer a competitor for worship in my life. I used to automatically default to hurry when things got tough. Now, when my pulse starts to pick up and that frantic feeling grows, I consciously pump the brake. “Whoa there, Seabiscuit. I REFUSE to hurry in this moment. Jesus, take these reins and drive. Amen.” In those everyday moments, I see Him more, praise Him more and trust Him more.

Now that is what I call an unhurried hallelujah.

Dear readers: On a scale of 1-10, how hurried is your home/heart today? What changes do you need to make (or have you made in the past) to pump the brake a bit?  Feel free to elaborate and leave a comment.

Here’s to many more everyday Jesus moments in our unhurried lives. #Hallelujah

Hooray for No Hurry,

Initials Signature Blog


“It’s useless to rise early and go to bed late,
    and work your worried fingers to the bone.
Don’t you know he enjoys
    giving rest to those he loves?”
~Psalm 127:2 MSG

7 Days Time
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