The Throne #EverydayJesus

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


In all my years of being a grown-up, I have minimal experience with buying “real” and “new” furniture.

Let me explain.

Right out of college, I bought a lot of new “furniture” but it didn’t fall into the “real” category. It was all particle board. (Think: Ramen noodle budget.) Nothing against the lower-quality furniture, but I purchased it with the intention that it would undoubtedly someday be replaced.

Which is true. Six years and three moves later, all that remain are a very wobbly bookshelf that will meet its demise on our next move and a very simple desk in the office.

All of our other furniture is purchased second-hand or given to us by very generous friends/family.

Which is why my recent purchase of a BRAND NEW HIGH-QUALITY recliner for our living room was kind of a big deal.

My husband loved our previous recliner, because he alleged that it was comfortable (meh) and free, as it was inherited from my Grandma Neva when she passed away.

Other than a slight sentimental attachment to the red recliner, I rarely sat in it.

After several years of use, it finally gave up. We felt like we were taking our life into our hands every time we sat in it since it “automatically reclined” (see also: violently flung.) Each time we looked underneath it, it seems a new piece had fallen off. Sheared bolts, springs– yes, it was time for our recliner to retire.

So when the hubs was gone to ranger school, I took a piece of our tax return and launched Operation: Recliner Recon.

After a few weeks, I found one within our budget that met our specs: neutral-ish color, snuggly, and a storage compartment in the arm. I negotiated for free delivery and had it set up in our living room in time for Brandon’s return.

He was thrilled. And so was I. Now it is like comfy Christmas everyday.

Only now there is much more recliner competition– because I love this new chair too.

The ThroneNot only did this new “Throne” come with a lifetime guarantee, but also included continual flashback trips to middle school with phrases like, “DIBS!” and “I CALL SEAT BACK!”

Hubs and I now compete for the opportunity to lounge in this brown beauty.

As I thought about our new throne, God squeaked in with a little message that was a bit convicting: Do you clamor to sit near My throne, resting in Me as much as you do that recliner in the living room? 

Granted, we don’t have a great view of the TV from God’s Throne– but we do get a taste of heaven.

So now as I sit typing this in our comfy living room recliner, I can’t help but think about how God allows– scratch that– invites us to draw near to His throne.

His Throne is there when we need to rest.

His Throne is there when we need to relax.

His Throne is there when we need to cry.

His Throne is there when we need comforted.

His Throne is there when we need encouragement.

His Throne is there when we need a Jesus Time Out.

His Throne is there when we need to just be.

His Throne is there in our Everyday.

When was the last time you spent time near God’s throne? What do that look like in your life? Join the conversation and leave a comment below.

So go ahead. Toss on a pair of your favorite lounging pants. Grab your cup of hot tea. Draw near and curl up next to His throne today.

He’s waiting.

Resting in Him,

Initials Signature Blog

 “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; love and faithfulness go before you.” ~Psalm 89:14 NIV

7 Days Time

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