The Most Powerful Something #EverydayJesus

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


I have shared this with you before: I am a doer.

When things fall to pieces, blow up, or anything in between, my nature is to come barreling in, guns blazing ready to fix whatever the problem is.

Sometimes, that is a blessing. Other times, this sister has got to check myself.

Because sometimes, God wants us to just be still and let HIM do His job.

And that is hard for me. 

It breaks my heart to watch people I love hurt. I want to fix it. But through the years of walking in faith, I have learned that often the best thing I can do is engage in what I call The Most Powerful Something.

Powerful SomethingSee, this Most Powerful Something kind of looks like nothing. In fact, the enemy of our soul will convince us it is nothing. (It doesn’t take a lot of convincing for me!) Outwardly, it looks like we are just sitting around, twiddling our prayerful thumbs, waiting.

Satan wants me to jump in head first and get the ball rolling.

But unless that ball is from God, I have learned I just need to sit tight.

I have recently shared this revelation of the Most Powerful Something with some very close friends that are weathering the storm of the their lives.

Things had fallen completely to pieces, almost out of nowhere. Lives were like a battle field, littered with smoldering pieces of broken hearts, dreams and hopes.

Every conversation, every text message, every interaction was some tear-filled question asking for a solution.

“Sharita… what do I do? Do I file for divorce? Do I report him to XYZ? Do I go through his emails? Do I leave? What do I do?!? I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING!!” 

My response, prompted by God, was simple:

Trust. Pray. Wait.” 

Those three short words, just 13 letters, are the Most Powerful Something we can do in the hardest of storms.

And as I mentioned, the enemy and/or our broken-hearted fleshy selves want to believe that is not enough. It looks like nothing. Because it isn’t physical action.

But when we trust, pray and wait, we are doing more than any self-determined plan could ever accomplish.

We are at REST in Christ as we Relinquish Everything to the Savior in Trust.

We are creating space for God to do work.

We are submitting to His plan, acknowledging that His plans are best for us– even if it make us squirm.

We are becoming more like Jesus.

Yes, friends, THIS is the Most Powerful Something we can do, whether we are in a heart-wrenching storm, a trial of faith of magnitude or even following Jesus in our everyday.

So what do you think about this Most Powerful Something? Does it add up? What does that look like your life? How can we start applying that to our everydays? I invite you to leave a comment.

Also, dear readers, if you find yourself in a place of hurt, heartache or weariness in the battle of faith, I would love to encourage you and walk with you through it. Please send me an email at

Don’t let the enemy fool you into believing that the best thing you can do is take action. Sometimes God will prompt us to move forward with a very specific next step. Other times, we can engage the Most Powerful Something.

And that something in Jesus Christ.

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“And God raised the Lord and will also raise us up by his power.” ~1 Corinthians 6:14 ESV

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