The Enemy Doesn’t take a Holiday #EverydayJesus

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 

Happy (almost) Thanksgiving, friends! I pray your day is filled with gratitude and Jesus… Today, I wanted to share with you something God revealed to me last Thanksgiving. I have literally held onto it for an entire year, for this exact occasion to share with you today. (Because to read through all the way to the bottom… Because there is a pretty cool twist at the end.) 


The Enemy doesn’t take a holiday. And that is also true for me. He has been attacking me from all angles lately and today, even on this Holy Day of thanks, he showed up.

So I retreated to my prayer closet and this is what happened:

When the enemy doesn’t take a holiday…

Lord, I am thankful You don’t keep us at arm’s length.

Lord, I am thankful You speak.

Lord, I am thankful You listen.

Lord, I am thankful You answer.

Lord, I am thankful You love us in spite of our sins.

Lord, I am thankful that Your Grace fills our gaps.

Lord, I am thankful You always care.

Lord, I am thankful You teach us.

Lord, I am thankful for Your guidance.

Lord, I am thankful for the creative ways you provide and meet ALL our needs.

Lord, I am thankful that Your Peace passes understanding.

Lord, I am thankful Your Plans are perfect, even if we can’t see it right now.

Lord, I am thankful You first loved us.

Lord, I am thankful for Your eternal truths.

Lord, I am thankful You did not create us to go at this world alone, but to live in rich community.

Lord, I am thankful You arm us daily for battle.

Lord, I am thankful that You forgive us… Over and over and over again.

Lord, I am thankful for Your loving hand of discipline.

Lord, I am thankful for Your Son Jesus, who bled, died and rose again, giving us hope and a future with You.

Lord, I am thankful that when the Enemy doesn’t take a holiday…
Neither do you. 

enemy holiday

Dear friends… What are your thankful for today? I would love to join you in a spirit of thanksgiving and gratitude. Share by leaving a comment.

And let’s rejoice that God is by our side 24/7 and 365, regardless of the calendar date!

Thankful in Him,

Initials Signature Blog

“He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.” ~Psalm 121:3-4 NIV

7 Days Time

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