Talk His Talk & The Quirky Gift of Gab

Hi. I am Sharita. And I… I am… (gulp) a talker.

Whew. It feels so good just to get that out there. It’s a truth that I have been living with my entire life—and it’s a truth I haven’t always lovingly embraced.

Talking is one of my quirks. Sometimes it makes me feel weird. Or dumb. But as I have drawn near to God on my journey with Him, He has shown me that it’s not a burden or annoyance.

 It’s a gift.

My love of chatter was there from the get-go. Just ask my mom. She said I never met a stranger. Mom said that if she weren’t careful, the bank teller or grocery clerk would know my whole life story in a matter of moments.

I never really grasped the “Don’t talk to strangers” concept.

I am very much an extrovert, and one who likes to talk, talk, talk. If you have been around me for more than 15 seconds, you already know this. Growing up, I know I bugged some people. As a teenager, I didn’t have much of a filter. Sometimes my mouth got me in trouble. I talked just to talk.

It started to bother me. I began to believe the lies that I had nothing productive to say. I was talking more and more, being loud and bubbly to drown out this thought in my heart that I was different.

 I didn’t want to embrace it. I wanted to hide it. As hard as I tried, it wasn’t going to happen. I kept talking.  Empty words. Then… I met Jesus.


Today I am very blessed to guest post for my dear, sweet and oh-so-quirky friend Laurie. Pop on over to her place to keep reading.  I would so appreciate it if you would leave a comment sharing how God is using your quirks to bring Him glory.

Oh. And did I mention that Laurie has book coming out on MARCH 18th!?!? It’s called “Why Your Weirdness is Wonderful.” I have my copy pre-ordered and can’t wait for it to get here! (You should grab a copy too… Click here to check it out.)

Why Your Weirdness is wonderful


I will be sharing much more about this fantastic book on launch day come March 18th. (Hint: There *might* be a giveaway involved. Wink.) So please get connected with Laurie, show us some comment love… And remember that your weirdness is wonderful!

Weird and OK with it,

Initials Signature Blog

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” ~Psalm 139:14 

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