A Gratitude Rhyme (Wives of Faith)

The holidays are upon us,
Once again, soon it seems,
Turkeys, family, fun, travel,
And of course those sugarplum dreams.

But really it’s no secret,
That this time of year,
Can make us weary and anxious,
Facing days to come with fear.

However in my walk,
With Jesus our Savior and Lord,
I have discovered a secret,
That just couldn’t be ignored. [Read more…]

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A Kaleidoscope Perspective (Wives of Faith)

I don’t know what it is about the my current life season, but I feel like it is one big ol’ glob of nostalgia.

Maybe it is the peace of the changing seasons. Or how my toddler grows and changes (and challenges!) me more every day. Or perhaps because I am getting ready to bid my 20’s farewell.

I don’t know what it is, but honestly, I kind of enjoy it.

Any time I have a spare brain moment, God is pulling my mind back to some former seasons of my life. I don’t think of them with loss or regret, but rather recall with fondness.

Just the other day, as I was praying about this post, I remembered one of my favorite childhood pastimes: Peering through the kaleidoscope.  [Read more…]

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Do We Really? (Wives of Faith)

In all of my years of growing up and all things leadership-like, I have experienced the gamut of team-building activities.

From indoor obstacle courses made out of office equipment, to building the “world’s tallest tower” from random craft supplies within a give time frame, to creating commercial jingles, I have learned and enjoyed most.

Key word: Most.

I have never been a huge fan of the outdoor challenge courses, especially in my younger years. I was clumsy (still am) and heights are not my favorite. Fortunately, my optimistic, go-get-em attitude would pull me through each experience.

Except for the trust fall. I. Despised. The. Trust. Fall.  [Read more…]

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Our Quiet Beauty

We live in a very loud world.

Now don’t get me wrong. I occasionally love blasting my favorite Christian radio station in my car with the windows rolled down on a bright sunny day. And I giggle when my daughter cuts loose a really loud happy squeal.

But sometimes quiet is a bit underrated. Especially in the beauty department.

Our world is all about the LOUD beauty. You know, the stick-thin-air-brushed models that pepper every dang magazine at the checkout stand. (Not judging, just saying.) Honestly, our culture is kind of superficial. It’s all about what size of pants we should wear, how to shed eleventy-billion pounds with no effort in 20 minutes, the name brand clothing and flashy make-up.

But what about our everyday, ordinary quiet beauty? The beauty that truly is more than skin deep. [Read more…]

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From the Root to the Fruit

I have always loved to learn. I was that little kid who would beg my mom NOT to keep me home from school. “Please, Mama! It is just a small fever. And I haven’t puked for 20 minutes! PLEASE LET ME GO TO SCHOOL! ” 

Yeah, I was THAT kid. #NerdAlert

Like most elementary school children, I had a favorite subject.  And no, it wasn’t recess.

I loved science. Elementary school science was the best because it was MY kind of science. That science was basic biology before they made it all complicated by adding numbers and junk to it.

Anything living always piqued my interest. I especially loved the hands-on experiments. [Read more…]

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H.O.P.E ~ He Offers Peace Everyday

Our society throws words around. I remember when I was a blossoming student leader in college, my advisor once called me out because I said “Awesome” as a response to  ev-ery-thinnnnggg. 

She had a great point. “Sharita, when you say that everything is ‘awesome,’ eventually you overuse it and nothing is awesome. You cheapen the word.”

Oh snap. #IKnowRight?

Ever since that time, I have tried to  watch my words and use them accordingly. But unfortunately, the world in which we live  doesn’t exactly ascribe to that philosophy.

Don’t believe me? Let’s think about some powerful faith-filled words that get tossed around like a rubber dodge ball at recess.  [Read more…]

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A New Thing (Printable)

Renew WoF

I love new things.

The smell that wafts through the pages of a new book.

The swish of a new dress that hangs perfectly from my ever-changing frame.

The first stroke of a new inky pen on the first page of a new journal.

The joy that wells as I master a new skill.

I love new everything.

As Christ followers, we have the opportunity to experience that newness within our hearts every single day. No new outfit, haircut or notebook required. [Read more…]

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Be Thankful Anyway (#EverydayJesus link up)

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


It is that time of year again.

Christmas music is drifting through the radio waves. Conversations with acquaintances revolve around the upcoming plans for the holiday season. Menus are planned, tickets booked, lists made.

Joy and gratitude abound. For most people.

But for some of us, the holidays make our heart ache from the very bottom of our soul. [Read more…]

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Ever-Changing Grace (#Everyday Jesus Linkup)

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


If you have been a Christian for more than 33 seconds, you have probably sang and subsequently fallen in love with the song “Amazing Grace.”

And rightfully so. It is an incredible song. Wonderful lyrics, powerful truth and encouraging melody.

As daughters of Christ, we can and should be endlessly thankful for the Amazing Grace He bestows upon us.

But as an army wife, mama and minister, sometimes I beg Him for grace… specifically the kind that changes with my heart needs as the world around me changes.

Because CHANGE. IS. HARD. With the constant, never-ending changes that seem to come hand-in-hand with military life, I need many different kinds of grace. [Read more…]

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Caution: Women at Work

 Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


Women at Work WoF

The summer I turned 16, I entered the working world… well, at least during the summer.

Since then, I have been blessed/challenged to work in a variety of fields and locations. Some have been amazing, others not so much. Here is a quick taste of my occupational adventures:  [Read more…]

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