“Wife” as a Verb

In the last few months, God has really been working on me in my wife-heart department.

“It’s been a blast,” said this wife never. 

But seriously. It’s been hard. But really, really, REALLY good. I’ve learned a lot about myself. The good parts of my heart. And the no-so-legit parts of my heart.

I feel like it’s going to be a very transformative year for me in a variety of ways– health/fitness, boundaries in various areas of my life, and as you probably guessed, my marriage. [Read more…]

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6 (Humorous) Signs that Homecoming is Coming (Army Wife Network)

As army wives, I would say we have two distinct moments of our army wife experience… One we loathe and one we anticipate.

The one of we dread is obviously the numerous “See-ya-later” moments with our Beloved Soldiers. Some days, as I kiss him and he walks to the door/bus/plane, I really feel like we just did this same routine like 20 minutes ago. Gross.

BUT… with the see-ya-later moments comes homecoming anticipation. And really, it doesn’t matter if he is gone for a week to the field, a month to training or a year to a desert somewhere, homecomings are always one of the “marked” army wife adventures. [Read more…]

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Ohhhh Baby…

Here are my top five reasons why I know that A) God is always in and control and B) Has a remarkable sense of humor.

  1. He made the Platypus. A mammal, with a bill, that lays eggs. That’s hilarious.
  2. He allows us to use phrases like “army logic” and “productive Monday” and “jumbo shrimp.”
  3. He somehow distorts how long two minutes is depending on which side of the bathroom door you are on.
  4. Kansas Jayhawks. (Sorry, KU fans… Just kidding. But seriously.)
  5. He thought it would be legit to send my husband to Ranger school right about the time we found out we are going to have a baby. [Read more…]
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Life-as-a-wife survival kit

God sure has a sense of humor. It still cracks me up almost daily that He had the idea to create man, then create woman, make us COMPLETELY different and say “Ok, live together for your entire life. Play nice. Love each other. I’m here when you need me. Good luck.”

Sometimes I think marriage needs a survival guide. Specifically, I need a survival guide (or kit) as an army wife. So today is my appeal for  either 1) every man getting married to give their wife the following kit, 2) every woman getting married to get this kit for herself or 3) for the army to standard issue the following items to all army wives everywhere. [Read more…]

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