All We Need is Love… And a Towel

Well, the learnin’ continues in my classes this week… We were charged to respond to the following prompt, regarding our ability to listen, love and represent Christ via servant evangelism… Really got me to thinking and digging deeply into my heart!


In McRaney, page 128 he states “The questions and issues for lost people have changed. I am not sure that we are listening to the questions any longer. Is it possible that in our efforts to communicate we are simply shouting our answers at a higher pitch?” He further states on page 131, “Could it also be true that if we do not love one another, people will struggle to know that we are His disciples? And even worse, whether Jesus is the one real God?” Based on the Servant Evangelism approach, how do you respond to these statements? Do you agree or disagree? [Read more…]

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