Vlog: Finding a Holy Balance

I am so excited for this vlog.

Is it my best, most professional work? Nope. But with my “special” guest, it sure is cute and entertaining. (Hint: My guest is 10 months old and likes to clap a lot. As you will soon notice.)

Over the last several months, I have really been praying about how to “balance” being a mama, wife, minister and all of the other roles God has called me to in life. Here’s a short video to share some of my insights. [Read more…]

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This is the Stuff…

Ever have one of… THOSE DAYS?

You know exactly what I’m talking about. Things just seem to fall apart, one thing right after the other.

We’ve all been there.

In case you are there today (or were yesterday. Or might be tomorrow) let’s shift our perspective. [Read more…]

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Real Time Warriors for Christ (Vlog: Factor of 7)

It has finally happened. I have finally gotten the guts to take a leap in to the “Vlogging” world.

For all of you newbies to the techie world (don’t worry, I only learned the term “vlog” about a month ago) “Vlog” is a simply a video plus a blog. Get it? Vlog. (I think Blideo would have been an interesting choice as a close second for techie terminology.) [Read more…]

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