My Fitness Journey: From Defeated & Discouraged to Hopeful & Healthy

Well, my friends. Tomorrow is my birthday. And I turn 33. #YayYikes

I don’t mind birthdays. And I don’t think there is really anything extra significant about turning 33.

Except this year, God has been on the move. A lot. 

Actually, He has been at work hardcore for the last 11 years. Actually, most of my life.

But I digress.

This year was a year of freedom. Of breakthrough. And so I want to share my story and celebrate it. (This is probably going to be a long-ish post. So get comfortable). #YouveBeenWarned

I do not write this post as “WOW, look at me! I’ve arrived!” Because I haven’t. Not hardly. I absolutely celebrate the victories large and small that I have conquered through the years, but even more so, I rejoice that God was behind every mile ran, every pound/inch lost, every reset moment, every positive food choice.

I also do not compose this blog as a weight-loss how to. This is about my spiritual journey more than anything. Yes, I know (in my head) that God loves me no matter my pant size or that pesky number on my scale. (He loves you too, BTW). I know (in my head) that I am fearfully and wonderfully made, I am beautiful, etc.   This is my journey of getting my heart to really believe those truths and LIVE them out. To live as a Jesus girl capable of victory in this area of my life. To be able to go to the doctor’s office and not be completely terrified of what the scale is going to say. To turn to God instead of the fridge when things in life get stressful.

I’m still learning more and more about WHO I am and WHOSE I am. I have Jesus-gut feeling that this will probably be a lifetime process.

And so, here’s my fitness story and how God has transformed me from feeling defeated and discouraged to hopeful and healthy. [Read more…]

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Mile 20.5 (and how to conquer it)

About three years ago at this time, I was training to run my first (and only) full marathon.

This was DEFINITELY a God thing, kind of another one of those “impossible” experiences He asked me to pursue. I learned A LOT , and some days I still question if I really did finish (I did. And didn’t actually meet Jesus that day. Although it felt a little touch-and-go at times).

Now that I’m back to running again, and it is actually FUN (what?!?!) for me and a form of stress relief, I was remembering that crazy marathon training experience. [Read more…]

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The Victory is Won!

We are almost six weeks into 2014.

How’s it going? Are all your hopes and dreams being fulfilled… Or are you struggling a little bit to find your groove?

If that’s the case, then I just wanted to offer you a little bit of encouragement to hang in there and cling to Jesus… Because after all, even though we struggle today, the final victory is already won! [Read more…]

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