Haters gonna hate (Jesus gonna love)

If you wear your heart on your sleeve, you risk getting it broken by a stranger. But if that heart is a heart for Jesus, He will always protect and restore it.

Since re-launching this  7 Days Time website, I have been making more of an effort to suck less at Twitter. (Great news: I’m getting there and no longer despise it.)

However, when we do “dangerous” things like writing about our Jesus-hearts or sharing Scripture with the world via social media, we inadvertently invite the haters to stroll on in. [Read more…]

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Tuning Out: Media

“Sweetheart… HEELLLLLLOOOOOOOO!!!! Ahem. Can you please mute the TV so  I can talk to you?” 

We live in a society that is consumed with media. Everywhere we look– there’s a TV, computer, phone, iPad, radio waiting to grab our attention.

Don’t get me wrong. Media can be REALLY productive. I mean seriously, this entire ministry is essentially media based.

However, media can also become a time-sucking, heart-focusing idol.

“Wait, wait, wait. An idol? Seriously, Sharita? My TV/phone/computer/iPad?? ” [Read more…]

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