“Wife” as a Verb

In the last few months, God has really been working on me in my wife-heart department.

“It’s been a blast,” said this wife never. 

But seriously. It’s been hard. But really, really, REALLY good. I’ve learned a lot about myself. The good parts of my heart. And the no-so-legit parts of my heart.

I feel like it’s going to be a very transformative year for me in a variety of ways– health/fitness, boundaries in various areas of my life, and as you probably guessed, my marriage. [Read more…]

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Life is Beautiful (Review & Giveaway!)

I’ve been a book worm for as long as I can remember.

Growing up, I would always prefer to be tucked away in a corner reading, learning or studying instead of playing outside (or, as my parents often “urged” us to do the farming chores.)

I think I even loved reading more than TV watching.

Which stands true even today, decades later.

So when someone contacts me to say, “Hey, can we send you a copy of a book to read and review?” I can hardly resist.

But honestly, that’s a dangerous practice. Because what I am I going to do if the book is terrible?!? (I still get a free book out of the deal so…)

However, in my nearly five years of online ministry, a “terrible book” coming my way has yet to happen. Every single book I have read, reviewed and share has encouraged my heart or edified me in some way.

And today’s book Life is Beautiful is no exception. [Read more…]

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God-Sized Dreams… And How They Change Us (Part 1)

It’s likely that if you have ever met me in person or been around 7 Days Time for a hot minute, you know a few things about me (in no particular order):

  1. I am a Jesus writer, speaker and spiritual leadership coach.
  2. I am an army wife.
  3. I am a toddler’s mama.
  4. I am a nerd.

I feel like we should sing that song from Sesame Street, “One of these things is not like the other.”

But honestly, they all fit together really well.

I don’t know when “nerd” picked up a negative connotation (probably in the 90’s– Thanks, Nerdstrom in Saved by the Bell) but I am on a mission to redefine “nerd” into something positive. And slightly humorous. [Read more…]

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One Word 2016: The Whole Truth

What is your most memorable moment of anticipation?

You know, those times when you were so excited that you literally couldn’t sleep? Or when you would think about an upcoming experience and your heart would race?

I had a majority of those experiences when I was younger. (Something about the responsibility of adulting that makes care-free anticipation more difficult… but I am working on it…) [Read more…]

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Ranger School Recap: Jesus Lead the Way #EverydayJesus

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


I know I have said it before and I will say it again… Sometimes Jesus just totally knocks my socks off.

You might recall that a few months back, my Beloved Army infantry husband left for Ranger School.

For those of you not on this crazy roller coaster ride we call army life, Ranger School is intense. It is a 64 day experience of little food, little sleep and a lot of unknowns.

Nothing is guaranteed in Ranger School. Really, anything can happen. Men get hurt, recycled, and dropped all the time. Oh, and did I mention that communication is practically zero, minus (maybe) one short phone call about every 3 weeks at the end of each phase and a tiny handful of snail mail letters?

I don’t say all of this to stir up strife or pity. Instead, I say these things to showcase God’s faithfulness. [Read more…]

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Fast. Cheap. Quality. Pick Two.

Let’s be honest… we are all kind of spoiled.

Now before you get all persnickety, let me explain. If you are reading this from a computer or an iPhone or some kind of technical device (yes, even if it is at work) you are sitting pretty good. If you are reading this from a place that has heat (or air conditioning, depending upon which hemisphere you reside in), you are pretty well off. And hey– I’m no exception– I’m writing this in my “comfy clothes” in my recliner, cuddling with our pup, heater running in a warm, dry house on my computer.

I think I’m doing alright. [Read more…]

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VLOG: From Head to Heart~ Dependence

What a year! 2012 has been a year of challenge, growth and triumph… All thanks to God and my “Word” for 2012~ Dependence.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LGQ82rfeRU?rel=0]


Do you TRULY depend on God for everything? If yes, what does that look like? If no, what can you change? Did you have a word for 2012? If so, how did it turn out? What’s next in store for you in 2013? You feedback always blesses me… Comment below! [Read more…]

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We Can… Even though (Anxiety-Free Monday, Wk #11)

Life is hard sometimes. (I think I have mentioned this once or twenty times before.)

Over the last three months or so, we have been on a journey– a journey to calm our anxious hearts and find contentment in Christ.

While the Bible study part of the journey concludes today, our heart journey continues.

Probably for the rest of our lives. And I don’t know about you, but it is a journey that I am STILL so excited to be on!

Many women have been transformed over the last few weeks by the power of Christ through trusting in Him– myself included. And I can’t wait to see where He takes us next. [Read more…]

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