When Your Big Rig has a Blow Out #EverydayJesus

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


I love almost everything about the Pacific Northwest.

I love the food. The culture. The diversity. The people. The massive amounts of things to do, both indoors and out. And yes, I even love tolerate the rain.

The absolute only downfall of living in a suburb of a suburb of a suburb of Seattle is the traffic.

Seriously. I nearly schedule my life around it. You won’t find me going off post anytime between 3:30-6pm on a weekday (especially Fridays) unless something is on fire. I plan my tour-guide tendencies for out-of-town guests around traffic.

Driving on Interstate 5 during rush hour illuminates how solid of a Christian I am. Slow to anger? Kind? Patient?

Yeah. About that. [Read more…]

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Drive On

I am writing this blog from Interstate 185 in Columbus, GA.

And yes. I am driving. But before you start sending me videos of distracted drivers, let me rephrase that.

I do not text and drive, let along blog and drive. (Insert safety PSA here) However, I AM sitting in the drivers seat on Interstate 185.  Why, you ask? Well,  it rained today. And side effects of a rainy day in Georgia not only include watered grass, wet pavement, and some rather grumpy attitudes of some, but rain apparently also erases safe driving skills in a majority of people. [Read more…]

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