7 Ways Being an Army Wife is Like Parenting A Toddler (Army Wife Network)

Our Tiny Human just turned three-years-old. And with the “Terrible Twos” behind us, I thought things would flip like a light switch as the final smoke wafted from her blown-out-candles.

And it did. We went directly into the “Threenager Stage.”

It’s really not THAT bad. In fact, I like her more now than I did this time three years ago after 12 hours of Pictocin-induced labor with no pain meds. (Side note: I have, of course, always loved her. She is just more fun and like a real peoples now and stuff.)

Anywho, this girl is something else. Talk about a box of chocolates– you never know what you are gonna get with her. [Read more…]

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10 Commandments of Parenting Toddlers #EverydayJesus

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


Parenting is one crazy ride.

One minute you are laughing so hard you want to cry and the next minute you are crying because, well, parenting.

It is kind of exciting to think that I have been blogging long enough to share a few “Commandment” series blogs of parenting, like 10 commandments of Pregnancy for the Husbands, for the family/friends and strangers of pregnant gals, commandments for the preggos themselves and even 10 Commandments for New Mamas.  [Read more…]

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Holding tight to Slimy Toddlers & Peace

My two-year-old daughter loves to play games. And unfortunately for this mama-with-places-to-be-at-a-certain-time, that game is not something calm, cooperative and peaceful.

My girl loves to be chased.

I blame her Daddy. Because yeah, it is super fun to play “Chase around the table in our pajamas” when we have nowhere to be on a Saturday morning. Her peals of laughter make it almost worth it.

Almost. [Read more…]

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