10 Faith-Full Habits that Changed my Life (Part 2)

Last week, I shared the first of five faith-full habits that the Lord has used in the last few years to transform my heart. (Did you miss it? Catch up and read all about it here.)

Today, I am continuing this conversation with the second five habits. All of the habits shared in this mini series have impacted me in great and powerful ways in various seasons of my life. So let get back to it, shall we?

6. I intentionally memorize Scripture. Over the years, I have dabbled in this a bit, like ones in a moment/season that I desperately needed for a crisis. (Philippians 4:6 anyone?) And I sort of attempted to start memorizing the book of 1 John. But it wasn’t with passion or intention. I was doing it for pride, not to become closer to and more equipped in the Lord. Now,  a fresh fire has been lit. I am memorizing scripture to KNOW what God’s word says how to live. I can see how it is gradually making me face my own sin (yuck) and teaching me how to live, react and respond in more of Christ-like manner. (YAY!) I am a learner, so this feeds into my passion. (I just wonder why it took me so long to realize this!) [Read more…]

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10 Faith-Full Habits that Changed my Life (Part 1)

God blows my mind on a daily basis.

Some days He shows up in the most unexpected places. Other times, He straight up blesses my face off. On some occasions, I powerfully feel him as He bestows peace that passes understanding in the realm of future junk I have zero control others.

And some times, He rocks my world by reminding me of where my heart used to be and how He has transformed it today. [Read more…]

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Keeping the Home Fire Burning (Army Wife Network)

My husband is an infantryman.

I believe he chose this MOS because of the opportunity to serve, the thrill factor and challenge that comes with boots-on-the-ground-kicking-in-doors-and-taking-names.

Plus, he loves the color blue.

Recently, however, I have learned another interesting piece of his genetic soldier make-up.

He loves the infantry because he secretly harbors a desire to be the next Bear Grylls– you know, that super-intense guy with the TV show “Man vs. Wild?” Yeah, I am married to a wannabe-that.

Which makes family camping tricks  very frustrating  interesting. [Read more…]

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