Nearly three years ago, when my tiny human was born and subsequently made me into a Mama, I doubted my abilities in all things child-rearing.
How will I know what she needs? When does she need to eat again? How much tummy time is enough? Can you have too much tummy time? And the biggest one…
How will I know when she is sick!?!?
I had always admired moms who could take one look at a tiny to medium sized-human, raise their eyebrows, place their palm on the little human’s head and say, “Yep. Got a fever.”
I tried to adopt that same suave, confident attitude of fever diagnosis growing up, practicing on myself when I was under the weather and even other people (especially my little brother who is 12 years younger than me.)
But it was always fruitless. I couldn’t tell the difference between a normal-temped kid versus one that was two degrees this side of the sun.
The only fever I knew about was the one that needed more cowbell. #SNLreference [Read more…]