Talk His Talk & The Quirky Gift of Gab

Hi. I am Sharita. And I… I am… (gulp) a talker.

Whew. It feels so good just to get that out there. It’s a truth that I have been living with my entire life—and it’s a truth I haven’t always lovingly embraced.

Talking is one of my quirks. Sometimes it makes me feel weird. Or dumb. But as I have drawn near to God on my journey with Him, He has shown me that it’s not a burden or annoyance.

 It’s a gift. [Read more…]

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A Little Big Conversation

I have learned over the years that I am a talker… Making small-talk, chattering away, sometimes talking very fast dominate my conversations. Fortunately over the years of maturing, I have learned to slow down (a little) and shut up (on occasion… still a work in progress.)

Part of this conversation development over the years has been found in my ability to talk to the Lord. We all have the ability to talk to him any time, any place. Some folks think that it has to be some flowery prayer, with a lot of “thous” and “thees” and “doeth” etc… If that is a comfortable method for you, go for it. But if you are a little more casual, we can have a “normal” and informal conversation. We all can have a personal relationship with Jesus, so it doesn’t have to be showy or involve using the right vocabulary words. [Read more…]

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