10 Ways to Show Love to Someone who Loves a Veteran

Ah, Veterans.

Veterans are amazing. Dedicated. Courageous. Focused. Determined. They are willing to lay it all on the line to serve our country.

Just that thought alone makes me want to stand in the middle of my street wearing a pearl-snap American flag shirt singing “The Star Spangled Banner” at the top of my lungs. (If only I had that shirt…)


And yes, I am extra-biased because I just happen to be married to a veteran. One that has been rocking the army-infantry blue for over a decade, deployed three times for 45+ months in the Iraqi sandbox. (I can brag on him if I want to, right? OK, good.)

Each Veteran’s Day, we make efforts to show those who have served how much appreciate them. Which is awesome. I wish everyday were Veteran’s Day.

But here is a new way to honor veterans. Maybe one we haven’t thought much about before.

Honor veteran’s by showing love to someone who loves them. [Read more…]

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The Enemy Doesn’t Wear Combat Boots

Hi friends… For the next several weeks, Wednesdays will be dedicated to re-sharing some of my favorite posts. I am so blessed to be working on some “big rocks” and pretty awesome God-sized dreams, but I need time to make that happen. So after much prayer, here we are. I pray you enjoy these words… And thanks for extending me Christ-like grace. Oh. And everything is still business as usual for our Thursday #EverydayJesus link-up, so don’t miss it!


We are all fighting a battle. Some of us more than one. As an army wife (specifically: Infantryman’s wife), and a mama, AND a minister,  it sometimes seems like the battles are never-ending. I battle with maintaining patience, changing schedules, miscommunication, all while attempting to continually support my Beloved Husband in his quest to defend this mighty country against all enemies, foreign and domestic, keep my daughter from licking an electrical outlet and still do Jesus-y things for God. It’s a lot sometimes. But whether you are an army spouse, doctor’s spouse, farmer’s spouse or any son or daughter of Christ,  we are all fighting the same spiritual Enemy. [Read more…]

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The Enemy Doesn’t Wear Combat Boots

We are all fighting a battle. Some of us more than one. As an army wife (specifically: Infantryman/current Drill Sergeant’s wife), it sometimes seems like the battles are never-ending. I battle with maintaining patience, changing schedules, miscommunication, all while attempting to continually support my Beloved Husband in his quest to defend this mighty country against all enemies, foreign and domestic. But whether you are an army spouse, doctor’s spouse, farmer’s spouse or any son or daughter of Christ,  we are all fighting the same spiritual Enemy. [Read more…]

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