Gettin’ Dirty

Last week for class (I know, it was a big week of learning!) we were discussing evangelism. In one of our books, “The Art of Personal Evangelism” by William McRaney, he said “dealing with lost people will cause us to get our hands dirty and sweaty just like tending to yard work. Part of evangelism is to clear up the misconceptions and misperceptions people have about the gospel. Dealing with people and evangelism is often messy.” We were charged to react to the statement, and I thought it might be lucrative to close out my “testimony” section of this blog by showing how getting dirty (for others) and allowing Christ to do that with in us could be so incredibly beneficial and rewarding. [Read more…]

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No Devil’s Food Allowed

So here’s the thing with eating, feasting and cooking. You have to have ingredients. How do we get ingredients? Agriculture. Now, I am not going to get all wound up talking about ag, because many of you know I could go off on a tangent and write a blog that is term paper length on that topic. But in order to feed ourselves and others, we have to first GROW the ingredients.

Just like growing crops or basic household herbs, it all starts with a seed. When it comes to planting things in our brains, we can either plant something that is going to help us feast with God or eventually produce Devil’s food (and sadly not the cake.) “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” (Philippians 4:8) [Read more…]

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