The Farewell Tour #EverydayJesus

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


My Mama has told me on more than one occasion that I am a girl who never wanted the party to end.

And now, entering in my 3rd decade of life, I have to say I can totally see that.

I am an extrovert. I love people. I love hanging out and partying like a Jesus rock star.

But now that I am older, I DO have those moments when I am ready to wrap the party up, head home, get in comfy pants and hit my bed. (Something about loving a soldier, raising a toddler, and doing ministry seem to require more sleep than previous life seasons…)

That’s how I kind of feel today. Because, my dear friend, this blog post is what I am considering to be the “Farewell Tour” of the #EverydayJesus link-up.  [Read more…]

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As A Sanctuary #WilcoWednesday

7 Days Time

Welcome to Wilco Wednesday! If you are a new around these parts, “Wilco” is Army-speak for “Will Comply.” Think of it as saying “Roger, God. Got it. Will do.”  So that is what Wednesday here at 7 Days Time is all about– exploring his decrees and seeking guidance for what complying with Him looks like in everyday life. The best part? He loves us for who we are, not what we do.  Remember: He doesn’t want perfection, just obedience. Share. Enjoy. Interact. Welcome today’s guest blogger, my dear friend, encourager, and wise counselor, Carriann. 

I watched aid workers receive refugees on the shores of a dark, icy sea.  Huge, hot, tears streamed down my cheeks as I took the scene into my heart. Tears of joy, tears of sorrow.

Many worked to wrap blankets around the injured, the cold, the very young and the very old. Mothers and fathers with resigned brown eyes fed their children, drank water, gathered them up after a rest and walked out. What compelled them to move away from rest so quickly?

Terror. People who know there is a difference between leaving and escaping move with haste. When a million miles is not enough distance between you and evil that hunts you, haunts you—you keep moving.

On my knees, I sought God’s will for our part in his plan to rescue them. [Read more…]

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Ask Me Anything #WilcoWednesday

7 Days Time

Welcome to Wilco Wednesday! If you are a new around these parts, “Wilco” is Army-speak for “Will Comply.” Think of it as saying “Roger, God. Got it. Will do.”  So that is what Wednesday here at 7 Days Time is all about– exploring his decrees and seeking guidance for what complying with Him looks like in everyday life. The best part? He loves us for who we are, not what we do.  Remember: He doesn’t want perfection, just obedience. Share. Enjoy. Interact. Welcome today’s guest blogger, my dear friend and our courageous PWOC president, Carriann Lane. 

Why can’t you just let it go?!”

I saw exasperation and frustration on her face. I knew she was ready to blow – her raised voice was a fair indication. I understood what her emotion was, I just didn’t understand why talking was so aggravating. I was about 11 years old, and I knew I should let it go …but, of course, I did not. An answer was not what my mouth got me that day, but I was learning something.

Why can’t you just let it go?!”

I saw anger and irritation on his face. He was about to flip his lid, thanks to my questioning.

I asked: “Where did you hear that? Are you sure that’s true?”

He heard: “You are lying.” “That’s dumb. You’re dumb.” “I don’t respect you.”

I was about 20 years old, and I understood how he was feeling, but again, why he felt it was a mystery.

A new question replaced the others: “Why can’t I just let it go?” Why does getting it right matter so much to me?

This week, I found myself asking this again. [Read more…]

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The High-Way (Guest Blog)

There’s something you should know about me.

 I’m kind of a nerd.

 Not quite a nerd of Steve Urkel magnitude, but a little bit of a nerd nonetheless.

I love inky pens, journals, and most office supplies in general. I treat books as old friends, totally dig résumé editing, and while I despise numbers, nothing gets me more excited than formatting a color-coded spreadsheet. Oh, and I listen to army cadence while working out.

 Wait. What? [Read more…]

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Faith to Forgive

“YOUNG LADY! You march over here RIGHT NOW and tell your sister you are sorry.” 

Shuffle…shuffle…stomp. SIGH. 


“Oh no, that’s not good enough. SAY IT LIKE YOU MEAN IT!”

Sigh. (Again.) FINE. 

“I’m sorry.” 

How is that two little words can be so difficult to say? [Read more…]

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Check it at the gate

“Attention passengers, flight 324 to Rome, Italy is now boarding.”

I am far from a professional flier. In fact, I was nearly a sophomore in college before I had the chance to fly for the first time. After that flight from Kansas City to Washington, DC (which was a little nerve-wracking as my co-traveler was also flying for the first time), I started to gain confidence on how to navigate airports in a timely fashion. [Read more…]

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We have… Ego Issues

“I got this. I am smart. I’m in control. I am too legit to quit.”

“All that an a bag of potato chips… yep, that’s me!”

“A-double-you-E-S-O-M-E, I’m awesome, awesome… TOTALLY!”

Hopefully I don’t come across this way to the general public… not this ditzy (although I was a cheerleader for a few years of my life) OR this cocky. Two unlegit qualities, if I do say so myself. [Read more…]

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Apparently it’s “Sharita-needs-to-confess-random-things-on-her-blog” week.

That being said, guess what? I have (another) confession. I like to have control. There. I said it. Be in charge, drive the boat, run the show, whatever you wanna call it, I like it. Rephrase: I thrive on it. I might even admit I-gotta-have-it. (Now that just reminds me of Cold Stone’s ice cream size choices. Random.)

This discovery was brought to a very profound point a week ago at CCC Women’s retreat (have you noticed it was apparently kind of a big deal in my life?) Last Saturday night, Mama Carol spoke about “Totally Surrender” when it comes to God. Naively, I thought I was… but as I examined my heart, it was clear that I thought wrong. [Read more…]

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