A Walk Through the Parables: The Vineyard Workers

When my sister and I were growing up, it seemed like every other conversation with our parents ended with the phrase “It’s not fair!”

My sister got to take a bath second which mean a slightly later bedtime. It’s not fair. A Walk through the parables

I had to spend my precious time waiting for my sister to get her stuff together after school to give her a ride since I was already able to drive. It’s not fair.

Little brother, who was 12 years younger got to live like an only child because we were long gone. It’s not fair.

I could go on… but I won’t. Because this “It’s not fair” jam really shows my ugly side.


But when we really think about it, we probably all have a side like that… And most of us can probably relate to the experience of the workers in the vineyard as we walk through the Parable found in Matthew 20.  [Read more…]

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Vlog: Our Mundane. His Blessings.

Ahhh… The everyday-ish-ness of life.

Some might find it comfortable. Others might find it mundane.

Regardless of where you land on the everyday-ish-ness of life, I can tell you one thing… There are blessings to be counted EVERYWHERE.

Don’t believe me? Well, hear me out on today’s vlog. [Read more…]

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A Happy Dance (And Giveaway Results)

Sometimes God just blows me away.

Seriously. I look back on the last few years, and I’m like “REALLY, GOD? REALLY!?! Wow. You rock.” 

A couple of years ago, I was blindsided by the call to ministry… I didn’t see it coming. Like, at all. I had a bachelor’s degree in animal science, for Pete’s sake.

And if you would have told me I would be in ministry, write 400+ blog posts in the next couple of years and become a spiritual leadership coach, I would have seriously wondered if you had gotten a little cray-cray with the communion wine. (Although I think most places, including our current church, use grape juice… but I digress.) [Read more…]

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When you Wreck… Rejoice!

Ever have a day that is just awesome and  totally rocks your world?

And then have you ever experienced something at the end of that awesome day that rocks your world in a less positive way?

Yep. It happened to me just a couple of weeks ago.

I had planned several weeks in advance to take a bit of a sabbatical day from ministry, blogging, writing, working etc. I was super excited because it was going to be a filled with Me Time… I started out with Quiet Time with Jesus (of course) then headed out into the world for a day of relaxation and rejoicing. First stop? Starbucks… It was free because I had a gift card left over from Christmas. (And a real treat because I don’t get Starbucks very often. I love it– but it adds up quick financially!) [Read more…]

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Stale Bread or Cinnamon Roles (Anxiety-Free Monday, Wk #5)

Have you thought lately about your roles in life?

I’m not talking about those fresh cinnamon rolls in the oven (although if that is the case, I would appreciate an invite over to your house… or you can mail them to me.) I also don’t mean the little rolls of “fluff” that might accumulate around your waistline after too many of the aforementioned pastry snacks.

Today’s post is all about the roles in life that God has called us to fill. [Read more…]

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Five Minute Friday: Embracing Empty

Good morning all and HAPPY FRIDAY! (Can I get an AMEN?) I am linking up again this week with Gypsy Mama and her Five Minute Friday Fun.

If you are new to this five minute Friday writing concept, let me catch you up… Each week, Gypsy Mama gives us a prompt. Then we write. No over thinking, no editing. For five minutes. That is all.

Think of it like a finger sprint to the kitchen to get the last cookie. Only instead of cookies, I’m going after words. (Although a cookie does sound good…)

Today’s prompt:



GO! [Read more…]

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