Musings from Kindergarten Korner (Chapter 1)

Kids really DO say the darnedest things. Especially my kid. (I can’t imagine WHERE she get’s that from…)

So what better way to document these conversations for high school graduation blackmail material AND have a chuckle at the wild ride that is parenting than to write them in a blog.

I hope you enjoy this short glimpse of my parenting world. Out of the mouths of babes… more specifically, our creative and witty kindergarten girl.  [Read more…]

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War on Worry (Anxiety-Free Monday, Week #9)

Soooo… What are YOU worried about?

Seriously. What was your first thought? Finances? Family? Job? Relationships? Or *perhaps* you were one of the few folks who’s first thought was “Nothing.” (If that is you, congrats. Feel free to skip today’s post. Just kidding. You are already here. Might as well read on right?)

But if you are like the rest of us in the world, you had some initial heart-thudding answer to the “worry” question. Ever since I was a little girl, I have been a worrier. However… God has called us to fight it.

We are at war… At war with worry. [Read more…]

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