Talk His Talk & The Quirky Gift of Gab

Hi. I am Sharita. And I… I am… (gulp) a talker.

Whew. It feels so good just to get that out there. It’s a truth that I have been living with my entire life—and it’s a truth I haven’t always lovingly embraced.

Talking is one of my quirks. Sometimes it makes me feel weird. Or dumb. But as I have drawn near to God on my journey with Him, He has shown me that it’s not a burden or annoyance.

 It’s a gift. [Read more…]

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Playing it Safe… Or Living by Faith (Sermon Recap)

Jesus rocks. How do I know? Because He showed up (again) when I preached at Pioneer Methodist in Rock Valley, IA and Seeds of Faith in Lester, IA on October 28th… 

Wanna see what He had to say about playing it safe or living by faith? Check out my scribbly notes below… And stay tuned for the video/audio version coming soon!! 

Much love, 

PS: Thanks so much for the prayers… they worked 🙂  [Read more…]

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