Right in Front of Our Face

Have you seen those memes on social media that depict a kid “looking” for something but can’t “see” it so they come to their mama to help them?

Yeah. Happens ALL the time in our house.

Me: “Charis, pick  up the crayon, honey.”

Charis: “Where?”

Me: “Right there.”

Charis: “Where? I don’t see it?”


You get the picture.  [Read more…]

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21 Truths: God Provides

I didn’t grow up in church. So when I graduated college and started chasing after God with passion, you could have knocked me over with a feather when I heard about the “tithing 10% gig.”

TEN PERCENT?!?! That was like, a lot of money, especially for a recent college grad who was learning how to manage her money (and wasn’t very good at it yet.) While I  managed to pay my bills each month, sometimes it was pretty close and involved a lot of stressed out tears.

So the whole idea of following God and giving Him back MY money in what seemed to be quite a big chunk was a turn off for me. I figured that there must be some loophole or disclaimer for recent college grads with credit card debt who really liked to eat sushi.

But now that I fully understand what it means to truly follow Jesus, I realize it wasn’t a nickel and dime issue… It was a heart issue. [Read more…]

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