Parenting Bingo (Humorous Printable)

It’s no secret… Parenting is one of the most awesomely-blessed-pull-your-hair-out-epically-rewarding challenges of our lives.

And some days, the only thing that is going to get us all to bedtime is my sense of humor, coffee and Jesus. (Not in that order, of course.) [Read more…]

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My Daily Cross-Examination (Printable and #Everyday Jesus link-up)

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


In a past life, I used to get bent out of shape pretty easy. And by past life, I mean like 36 seconds ago.

Yes, I admit it– I am what many would deem “high-strung.” I don’t know if it my achieving nature (sometimes dangerous) or my perfectionist tendencies (always dangerous) but it doesn’t take much to send me reeling.

One minute I can be basking in a metaphorical tub of peace and the next I am gasping for breath as the waters of worry attempt to overtake me.

Fortunately, God has brought me a long way in this journey. And because I love you, I want to share my latest tool that has helped me freak out less and rest more. [Read more…]

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The Reset Button (#EverydayJesus Link-up)

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


Do you ever wish we could just hit a reset button and start over?

I do.

Earlier this week, I was having one of “those mornings.”

I thought it was just me… perhaps I was just in a mood. Or better yet, my favorite excuse: hormones.

That morning,  I was easily rattled. Tiny Human woke up at 5:14am. The 12-lb dog found the gate left open by my Beloved hubs and sprinted across the neighborhood, howling like a high-pitched coon dog. He quickly returned when he heard the tone in my voice (and the fact that my quest to never-ever cuss was temporarily abandoned. Don’t worry. It was only one word. I repented.)

Then Tiny Human was squeaking for breakfast and I tripped over the dog as I scramble to appease her.  I was flustered, already sweating and begging God for a reset button.

We had been awake for 14 minutes. [Read more…]

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Fall Adventure List (With Printable)

Take a deep breath in through the nose.

That’s right, a good, wholesome whiff.

Do you smell that? IT’S FALL!

[Read more…]

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Fall Promises (Printable & #EverydayJesus Linkup)

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 

PS: Just wanted to let you know that there is a giveaway in progress over here. Giving away two copies of my friend Amy’s book, “When More is Not Enough.” Super easy entries, so don’t miss out.


Take a deep breath in through the nose. What do you smell?

Cool mornings? Fallen leaves? Pumpkin-spice everything?

Tis fall, my friends. Fall is a favorite season in our household.

But just because it is our favorite season doesn’t automatically mean it is an easy season.

Because finding Jesus in our everyday can still be a challenge, in ANY season.

We all go through different seasons, some in which Jesus is peeking around every corner and others when He seems to be on an extended vacation somewhere.

But we all know the truth. He is still there, even if we can’t see Him quite as clearly as we usually do.

I personally need a little tangible reminder of His promises and encouragement every now and then. [Read more…]

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21 Truths: God is Our Everything (Printable)

Well friends. We have made it.

We have journeyed through nearly three dozen truths about God. Today finds us at the day after Easter, wrapping up with our final, simple yet remarkably important truth our awesome Father:

God is Our Everything. [Read more…]

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21 Truths: God is Peaceful

My heart starts to pound. I can feel my blood pressure rising. If you listen really close, I am relatively certain that you can hear the gears whirring at a very high pace within my brain.

Yep, I am getting all wound up about something– again. Just another day in the life of this girl who is constantly seeking His everyday peace.

Le sigh.

Peace is abundantly available in this world, especially from God, but shockingly elusive.

At least for Type A personalities like myself. [Read more…]

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If God Wasn’t In Charge (Printable)

A lot of junky, yucky painful things happen in this world.

Perhaps that is why this joint isn’t heaven? (Thankfully!)

But even amid the pain, trial and suffering, we have a great truth to cling to: God is in charge of this whole show. Every tiny moment.

If He wasn’t in charge, I would be scared. But He is in charge, so I’m not worried. 

Today, I wanted to share with you a printable with that simple truth. Please feel free to share this with your friends. Just click on the blue PDF link to download, print and display. [Read more…]

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His Peace (A Printable)

This world gets a little cray-cray every now and then.

Or maybe it seems crazy for you EVERYDAY. Regardless of where you stand with your “peace level,” we don’t have to allow our surroundings or events dictate it.

Hence, this nifty pinnable AND printable pic. (If you like it, feel free to pin on Pinterest or click the blue link below to print it out. Just sayin.) [Read more…]

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Hidden Ah-Ha’s: That’s a Wrap!

I really have no desire to be a movie director or live in Hollywood. Really, I don’t.

But if I did, I think the coolest things about it (in addition to talking through one of those big megaphones… wait, they don’t use those anymore, do they?) would be after months filming, reaching that moment when you are done.

As the cast and crew looks at each other with relief and nostalgia, the director starts to clap and says with tears in her eyes, “That’s a wrap!” [Read more…]

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