Finding Jesus in the Little Stuff (Link-Up)

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


Jesus has done some pretty incredible miracles.

In the Bible, we read about Him turning water into wine, healing the sick, raising the dead.

Every now and then, He graces our household with a seemingly impossible miracle too.

He occasionally brings my husband and I to agreement on a movie to watch. [Read more…]

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Never Lonely (Five Minute Friday)

Five Minute Friday
Hey all!

It’s Five Minute Friday again. In short, each week I link up with Lisa-Jo Baker… She gives us a prompt and we write. On the spot. No over thinking or excessive editing.

So let’s get to cracking.

Today’s Prompt: LONELY

AND GO! [Read more…]

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Blowing Kisses

I believe that blowing kisses is one of the most adorable and simple (yet under utilized) acts of blessing, romance and love.

Think about it– when was the last time someone blew you a kiss? Was it your beloved spouse as you drove away on a trip? Or your child (or grandchild, niece, nephew, whoever) who did the audible, enthusiastic pucker blown kiss?

I just think the whole thing is kinda sweet.

But regardless of what earthly person is (or isn’t) blowing you sweet kisses… God blows us blessing kisses every single day. [Read more…]

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You just gotta ask yourself…

Sometimes you just gotta ask yourself: “How can I BEST represent Jesus in this situation?”

Kinda sounds like the old WWJD trend, right? (Who has a bracelet? You know what I’m talking about.)

But seriously– we sometimes find ourselves in super sticky situations that really seems to have no productive solution. I found myself in that very place a couple of weeks ago. I was genuinely stumped and my heart was torn.

Fortunately for me, it was prayer week at church. [Read more…]

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Open for business 24/7

Sometimes you just can’t help but appreciate the businesses that are open 24/7.

I mean seriously– just think about it… The places that are open round-the-clock are usually those businesses that are most important or that we have to use in emergencies. Hospitals, fire stations, police/law enforcement, some gas stations, some pharmacies (like Walgreens) and even Wal-Mart and Waffle House. (Granted, Wal-Mart and Waffle House might not be needed in emergency situations– but it’s still super convenient!)

I can’t help but be thankful not only for these modern-day services and conveniences– but also am so grateful that our God is a 24/7 kind of dude. [Read more…]

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Keep It Down In There! (Five Minute Friday)

Hey all.

Tis Friday. Specifically, tis Five Minute Friday.

Today, I link-up with Lisa-Jo Baker for a writing exercise of epic proportions. She gives us a prompt. Then we write. For five minutes flat. No over thinking. No nit-picking. Just write.
Five Minute Friday

So let’s get this par-tay started, shall we?

Today’s prompt: QUIET

Anddd GO! [Read more…]

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Jesus, Marriage, & Hamburger Helper

Ahhh, marriage… Tis so much more than that beautiful white dress, the romance of a honeymoon and those sweet moments of snuggling on the couch.

Marriage also includes challenges, growth, conflict, and on days when all of those things are present, sometimes hamburger helper for supper. [Read more…]

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A Lil Rest Stop

I have to be honest.

I am really tired.

Actually, “weary” might be a more accurate word.

There’s a lot going on in our dear little Knobloch household, from my sweet husband’s crazy drill sergeant schedule to my bout with pneumonia (still ongoing), ministry, life decisions etc.

So yes, I’m weary. [Read more…]

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