At Work Before We See It #EverydayJesus

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 

PS: Just as a heads up, I will be on a “Blogging Vacation” for the next 10 days or so as I am co-facilitating a national conference in Kentucky, then spending some time with family in Kansas. So until then, be blessed! 


When things fall apart, it is so, SO easy to start doubting God.

His love. His plan. His purpose.

But if I have learned one thing in my years walking (ok, sometimes barely stumbling) with Jesus, it is that He is always behind the scenes at work long before we see it.

He is like the guy who is the first one to clock in each day and the last one to leave. (Only He doesn’t take vacations or extended lunch breaks.)

I remember an experience from a few years ago where now I see that God was at work, long before we saw it. [Read more…]

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When Our Plans Get Hijacked (Army Wife Network)

I remember the conversation like it was yesterday.

My Beloved soldier and I were preparing to take the plunge into wedded bliss. Our entire courtship had essentially been long distance, which included a 12-month deployment to Iraq.

We were in the single digits until our day of nuptials. I had stars in my eyes, my heart pounded when I saw him in uniform. I was crazy about this guy and would do anything for him. It was wonderful.

Until that one conversation. [Read more…]

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21 Truths: God’s Plans are Perfect

I know, I know… I’ve said it before.

I am a planner. Sure, it might make me a nerd, but I just love the dreaming and the planning and the envisioning that comes with strategizing to reach a new goal or accomplish a task.

Sometimes my plans involve scribbles on a notebook (with an inky pen, of course.)

Sometimes my plans are written on a white board in the kitchen under the title “Weekly Menu.”

Sometimes my plans are meticulously crafted on a color-coded spreadsheet then taped to the wall for me to see daily for accountability.

I love making plans.

But admittedly, my plans aren’t always perfect. Things happen.

Kids get sick. Ministry emergencies pop up. Husband’s work schedule changes. Hey, even I get sick! <– This last one is one of my least favorite things ever. )

I don’t like it when my plans go awry.

Fortunately, God’s plans never get thrown off. Because that is today’s truth:

God’s Plans are Perfect.

God's plans are perfect

It’s funny that as I write those words, I am forcing myself to embrace them in my heart. Because as I write this, my color-coded workout spreadsheet plans have been totally thrown off for the last week due to some energy-sucking lung clogging cold virus of doom. And my Beloved husband just texted me to say that he will be working overnight– on Easter. Again this year.

Now what was I saying? Oh yeah. God’s plans. They are perfect.

His plans really are perfect, even if they seem to make our lives more difficult or confusing in the moment. But it all boils down to trust. Do I trust God to get me back on my running schedule? Yes. Do I trust God to give me energy to do a couple of days of solo unforeseen parenting over my favorite Jesus holiday? Yes.

Am I happy about it? Not really. But I do trust Him with it. (And don’t worry about me– give me a few minutes to adjust and I will be able to find the good stuff in the middle of these squiggly plans.)

God’s plans trump our plans– every time. Why? Because He is the One with the big-picture blue prints. He knows the reasons behind why we did (or didn’t) get that “dream job” we applied for. He knows the purpose for a season of trial or pain. He holds the truth to an unknown path or question we are currently facing in our lives.

He holds His Plans in His Hands.

And those plans are perfect.

If this truth about God is one that you particularly struggle with, take heart… Because sometimes I struggle with it too (like today. Le sigh.) But I also know that God has proven time and time and time again that His plans are absolutely perfect– His plans are for us to prosper, not to harm us. Even if we can’t see it in the moment. When in your past have you not understood God’s plans until they came to fruition? I would love to hear all about it. Please join the conversation and leave a comment. 

Remember, friends… even if we can’t understand His grand plans today, someday we will… It might be on the other side of heaven’s gates, but we will understand.

So in the meantime, trust Him with His plans– even if they don’t match up to your notebook scribbles or color-coded spreadsheet.

Embracing His Plans,

Initials Signature Blog

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” ~Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

Linking up today with my sweet friend Beth over at Three-word Wednesday and also with Walking Redeemed. Oh! And be sure to join our #EverydayJesus link-up community right here at 7 Days Time every Thursday!

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21 Truths: God Is Sovereign

I must admit that sometimes I don’t have all the answers.

Google is one of my best friends when it comes to the mundane questions that I have: Can you eat sour cream past its expiration date? How can I keep moss from growing in my yard? What are the symptoms of a mold allergy?

Although Google is a mighty powerful tool, it doesn’t have all the answers either.

Especially when it comes to the hard stuff.

Like the questions I am asked as a minister. [Read more…]

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Flair for Flexibility (Army Wife Network)

I am a planner.

Few things get me more excited than having a game plan for the day, complete with a “To Do.”  (Confession: If I accomplish something NOT on my “to do” list, I have been known to write it down then immediately mark it off. I know. I’m kind of a nerd. I’m ok with it.)

I love knowing what’s going on, who’s doing what and how we are going to get there.

Which was a great attitude to have… until I married my Beloved Soldier.

Within 14 seconds of being married, I determined that to thrive in this army wife life, we have to adopt a flair for being flexible.


Photo courtesy of Christy Wainwright via Flickr

[Read more…]

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The High-Way (Guest Blog)

There’s something you should know about me.

 I’m kind of a nerd.

 Not quite a nerd of Steve Urkel magnitude, but a little bit of a nerd nonetheless.

I love inky pens, journals, and most office supplies in general. I treat books as old friends, totally dig résumé editing, and while I despise numbers, nothing gets me more excited than formatting a color-coded spreadsheet. Oh, and I listen to army cadence while working out.

 Wait. What? [Read more…]

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Everyday Jesus: The “Bread” of Life

Welcome to another glorious guest post in our Everyday Jesus series! This week, my friend Christy shares a very cool and powerful God-encounter with us about how a simple stop at a restaurant was part of a much bigger encounter with Christ. Here’s to Him being our Bread of Life! Show dear Christy some love both here and over at her place 🙂 

Rejoicing Daily, 


As a churchgoer, I was always taught to “pray without ceasing,” but I can’t say that I honestly understood that phrase until a few years ago. More or less, I began to understand that if I was in constant communication with God, and I listened for His answers to prayer, instead of just giving Him my list of needs, The Spirit would guide me throughout my day and, in a sense, He would speak to me. [Read more…]

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My Kind of GPS (Recalculating…)

I’m taking a New-Mama day today…so that being said, I wanted to share with you a post that was written a while back- but is still very pertinent to our everyday walks with Christ.

We might not always know where we are headed– but He does. And His plan can sure be trusted. (I promise.) Let me know what kind of surprise turns your life has taken and how God helped you through it by leaving a comment below. 

Blessings to you my darling readers!


The tires are humming on the highway. The radio on just loud enough to provide some background noise but soft enough to avoid drowning out the conversation going on between the driver and passenger.

“When do I turn?”

“Um, let me look. I feel like it is coming up.”

“Come ON, babe, its rush hour… I need to know if I need to exit anytime soon. Can I get over?” [Read more…]

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Kiss Big Buts Goodbye

I like big buts and I cannot lie.

Before you think I am about to burst into the chorus of a rather scandalous hip hop song from the 90’s, let me clarify: this post has absolutely nothing to do with fitness or what size of pants you wear. (If I had the magic formula to make those kind of butts shrink, I would probably be hosting an entirely different ministry page.)

However, the big buts I’m talking about always show up in my relationship with God.

And it’s not that I necessarily LIKE them– but I default to them. [Read more…]

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Because Sometimes God Has Other Plans (Vlog)

Today we are changing things up a bit… And I am trying my hand at another vlog (aka video blog.)

Sometimes things don’t go our way… but take heart. It could be an incredible blessing in disguise!

[wpvideo jUJhSES2] [Read more…]

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