Made to Last (Five Minute Friday)

Five Minute Friday

‘Sup, friends.

It’s Friday. (In case you missed the memo.) And over here at 7 Days Time, Fridays only mean one thing: It’s time to link up with Lisa-Jo Baker and join in to the Five Minute Friday flash mob writing party.

Here’s the skinny: Lisa-Jo gives us a prompt. Then we write. For five minutes.

That’s it. Simple enough, yes?

So, let’s get going.

Today’s prompt: LAST

AND GO! [Read more…]

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Embrace the Suck

Sometimes, life sucks.

Yeah, I said it. And yeah, I said it on a Jesus-loving Christian blog.

But its the truth. Sometimes life sucks.

We live in a world of pain. Of hurt. Of disease. Of evil. Of hard circumstances. Of moments where we wonder how the heck we are supposed to continue to function.

“Sucky” things in life range from the seemingly small and trivial (I lost my stupid wallet– again!) to the painfully large and unexplainable (Sandy Hook school shooting. Boston bombing. Explosion in Texas.)

So yeah, it’s the truth. Sometimes life really just kinda sucks. [Read more…]

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From Mess to Message

Sometimes we find ourselves in a big ol’ fat life mess.

Perhaps it’s due to a decision we made. Or a choice someone else made. Or a life season. Or whatever. The important thing to remember is that when we are in a big ol’ fat life mess… God is sovereign, He is over it all, and knows what He is doing.

And oftentimes, if we open our eyes (and our hearts!) that mess will turn into a pretty suh-weet Jesus message.

Been there. Done that. Living it now. [Read more…]

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A Cherished Perspective (Five Minute Friday)

Hey folks.

It’s Friday.
Five Minute Friday
Which means we link up with Lisa Jo and write. For five minutes flat.

Today’s prompt: CHERISHED

GO! [Read more…]

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Be “PrePRAYERed”

Life happens. (Profound statement, right? Or not.)

You know what I’m talking about. The life “stuff” that is good,  meh and “Are-you-kidding-me?!!”

It all happens. But really… our daily circumstances are neutral. Our reaction to them actually determines which category they fall into.

So today’s question: On a scale of one to ten– how much are you prepared to handle?

Believe it or not, we can all be closer to ten if we are truly prePRAYERed. [Read more…]

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More Productive Perspective (Five Minute Friday)

The end of the week,
Now has arrived,
Let’s take a moment to rejoice,
For we have survived.

In the bloggers world,
Friday’s mean fast,
Writing for Five Minutes,
Can be such a blast.

Link up with The Gypsy Mama,
For she gives us a prompt,
Write nonstop for 5 minutes,
Til that clock tells us stop.

So tis Five Minute Friday,
Don’t edit, don’t think,
Pay close attention,
For time passes in a wink!

Todays Prompt: PERSPECTIVE

Annddd… GO! [Read more…]

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The Best is Yet to Come

So yeah. Yesterday was my birthday. (It was awesome, by the way. Thanks to everyone who shared the love with me!)

But as I welcomed this new year of my life, I spent some time reflecting, where I have been, where I am now, where I am going. God has directed my path, and I couldn’t help but think of one of my favorite poems. You might have heard of it: It’s called “The Dash” by Linda Ellis. I have read it and/or watched it many times, but every time it still gives me goosebumps.

To get the true impact of this fantastic poem, check out the following video link: [Read more…]

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