Pobody’s Nerfect (Repost)

Hi friends… No Five Minute Friday today, because our good friend Lisa-Jo Baker is currently celebrating Christmas in South Africa (where she is originally from… How cool is that?!) So in honor of chill-ax Friday in this holiday season, I wanted to share with you an encouraging (and humorous) word about obedience vs. perfection. (Hint: God only asks for one and I bet you can guess.) 


When I was a pre-teen, I spent a few days every now and then working in a little country store back home. Jeanie’s was a tiny place with two booths and a menu that consisted of cold sandwiches or fried food. She also kept in stock the “necessities” for life, including milk, eggs and toilet paper. (Which was really convenient since the nearest town with a “real” grocery store was 20 miles away.)

On the cash register hung a sign with words I remember to this day:

“Pobody’s Nerfect.[Read more…]

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Pobody’s Nerfect

When I was a pre-teen, I spent a few days every now and then working in a little country store back home. Jeanies was a tiny place with two booths and a menu that consisted of cold sandwiches or fried food. She also kept in stock the “necessities” for life, including milk, eggs and toilet paper. (Which was really convenient since the nearest town with a “real” grocery store was 20 miles away.)

On the cash register hung a sign with words I remember to this day:

“Pobody’s Nerfect.

It made me laugh. And still does. I love the irony of switching the first two letters to emphasize that true, nobody is perfect… even the maker of the sign. (I love ironic humor, just FYI.) [Read more…]

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