The Christian Paradox

I really enjoy using semi-random words to describe semi-normal things.

“How was your day?” Just ducky.

“How was supper?” Legit. 

“How was your weekend?” Fantastical! (Which is a real word, BTW.)

But sometimes, fancy words get the best of me.

So in order to win this wordy battle, I want to use them more. Work them down, learn them into submission. [Read more…]

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War on Worry (Anxiety-Free Monday, Week #9)

Soooo… What are YOU worried about?

Seriously. What was your first thought? Finances? Family? Job? Relationships? Or *perhaps* you were one of the few folks who’s first thought was “Nothing.” (If that is you, congrats. Feel free to skip today’s post. Just kidding. You are already here. Might as well read on right?)

But if you are like the rest of us in the world, you had some initial heart-thudding answer to the “worry” question. Ever since I was a little girl, I have been a worrier. However… God has called us to fight it.

We are at war… At war with worry. [Read more…]

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