21 Truths: God Provides

I didn’t grow up in church. So when I graduated college and started chasing after God with passion, you could have knocked me over with a feather when I heard about the “tithing 10% gig.”

TEN PERCENT?!?! That was like, a lot of money, especially for a recent college grad who was learning how to manage her money (and wasn’t very good at it yet.) While I  managed to pay my bills each month, sometimes it was pretty close and involved a lot of stressed out tears.

So the whole idea of following God and giving Him back MY money in what seemed to be quite a big chunk was a turn off for me. I figured that there must be some loophole or disclaimer for recent college grads with credit card debt who really liked to eat sushi.

But now that I fully understand what it means to truly follow Jesus, I realize it wasn’t a nickel and dime issue… It was a heart issue. [Read more…]

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Get Rich Quick…

Maybe it’s just me… but sometimes I still find myself being a little surprised/shocked at how many folks want to “make it big” and “get rich quick.”

Every day, we encounter some kind of “great plan” giving us the chance to make some alleged fast cash. Now,  I’m sure some of those business schemes ideas are legit, but really, most just make me roll my eyes.

This blog post is not a slam against monetary success. We’ve talked about it before– Jesus never said money in itself was the root of evil. The LOVE of money is. Ultimately, our reaction to it determines the result.

It can bless. Or it can destroy. We get to choose. [Read more…]

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Enough (Anxiety-Free Monday, Wk #7)

“Is that enough?”

UG! Talk about a loaded question!! It doesn’t matter if we are talking about a delectable piece of dessert, our end-of-month cash flow amount, the groceries in our shopping cart or our worth/value as a person.

More often than not, even if our mouths answer yes, our heads answer no.

It’s a hard (and yucky) truth, but as consumers, Americans and HUMANS we are a greedy, selfish bunch of folks.

Sigh. Why can’t we be satisfied? [Read more…]

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Show the Love. Share the Wealth.

Money. Cash. Dinero. Wampums. Moolah. Dough. Coinage. Bread. Buck. Gravy. Loot.

Huh. With so many names for it, you would think that we kind of love money or something…

Don’t get me wrong. I love the things money CAN buy, specifically food, clothes, technology, medicine… well you get the point. But as 2012 showed up this week, my husband and I sat down to look at our budget.

Let me rephrase that.

We sat down to CREATE a budget. A real one. With the goal of actually sticking to it. [Read more…]

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