Giveaway: Three Crucial Facts About a Man’s brain #EverydayJesus

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day!  Today, I welcome guest blogger, my new online friend, and incredible writer and  published author, Shaunti Feldhahn to share some great nuggets about our men– and their oh-so-manly brains. Read this great post and then enter the giveaway below for a chance to receive a free copy of her new book, “Through a Man’s eyes.”  


The funniest movie moment I’ve seen this summer comes at the very end of Inside Out, as the main preteen girl character talks to a preteen boy at a hockey rink. We’ve been seeing inside her head the whole movie, but instantly the camera zooms out of her brain and into his…. where his mental control room is suddenly in chaos. The warning lights flash “GIRL! GIRL! GIRL!” and everything in his mind seizes up or turns somersaults.

My 12-year-old son saw that and said, “Actually… that’s pretty much what it feels like.” [Read more…]

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Being a Man, Husband and Father for Christ (Guest Blog)

My heart is all a-flutter today… I am SO excited about this post… AND I DIDN’T EVEN WRITE IT! That’s right, after over two years of me writing and blogging, my Beloved Husband has blessed and honored me with guest posting. (BE STILL MY HEART!) His sincerity and love of Christ is sure to inspire you (and the other men in your lives… Be sure to share it with them.) 

Oh. And be sure to leave lots and lots of comments below so Barn will know how awesome this article is… (And so he will write again soon.) 

Get ready to enter into the Jesus Testosterone Zone. 🙂  [Read more…]

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