Find Freedom, Fearlessly Focus & Flourish in Faith (Part 3)

(If you are just joining us today, get caught up on this mini series by reading Part 1 and Part 2).

I believe that complacence is one of the most dangerous tools of the enemy within the church today. The status quo is not a threat to Satan’s plan. That is where he wants us to stay, and let me tell you—it is very easy and comfortable! We can fall into the trap of “Maybe tomorrow” or “I will start Monday.” Well, guess what? Monday is coming!  [Read more…]

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Find Freedom, Fearlessly Focus & Flourish in Faith (Part 2)

(If you are just joining us, hop over and read Part 1 of this mini-series).

Spiritual growth is not something that will happen by “accident.” We have two small kiddos, a kindergarten girl and 18-month-old son and as cheesy as it sounds, they do grow up so fast. Sometimes I feel like they wake up in the morning and their clothes don’t fit anymore because they seem to have grown overnight!

Unfortunately, spiritual growth isn’t necessarily “natural” for us. We have to be so intentional and seek growth every single day, which can be a little bit intimidating. If we aren’t seeking to grow every day, soon we are once again stuck, just now maybe we somewhere with slightly different scenery. [Read more…]

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Find Freedom, Fearlessly Focus & Flourish in Faith (Part 1)

If you’ve been around here for awhile, you know I’m a military spouse. Before we moved to El Paso about three months ago, we were stationed at the 5th Ranger Training Battalion in North Georgia which is where the 2nd Phase of US Army Ranger School takes place, also known as Mountain Phase. I’ve been working on my health and fitness for a solid 11 years now, and during that time I have been on a quest to become a pseudo runner. Don’t worry, I won’t be winning trophies anytime soon, because my primary running goals are to finish the race, not break my face and not meet Jesus in the process.

Before we moved, I signed up to do the Ranger Run at Camp Merrill’s Open House. It was my first trail run, but I wasn’t TOO worried. [Read more…]

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