Building a Christ-Like Marriage: Our Source of Happiness

Christlike marriage

If you ask most people what the happiest day of their life was, I am willing to bet a majority will answer:

1. The day our kid(s) was born.


2. The day we got married.

How sweet. How romantic. How dangerous.  [Read more…]

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Building a Christ-Like Marriage: Let’s get Physical

In college, we used to have a saying:

“It’s only weird if you make it weird. So don’t make it weird, OK?”

And that is going to be the slogan for today’s blog post. Because as we discuss the building blocks of creating a Christ-like marriage, we really can’t leave out the, um, errr, ahem… Physical part.

See, there I go. Making it weird before we even get this party started. [Read more…]

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Building a Christ-Like Marriage: Communication

Miscommunication. It is one of those seemingly insignificant aspects of our life that remains insignificant until it actually happens and you and your spouse are engaged in a no-rules-who-will-tap-out-first-cage-match situation.

Not that I would know, of course. I mean, Brandon and I communicate perfectly. Flawlessly. We communicate so well, it is practically an art form in our house.

OR NOT.  [Read more…]

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Building a Christ-like Marriage: The Foundation

Marriage. What a blessed, challenging and complicated aspect of life.

One that I personally believe is well-worth discussing, especially from a Christian perspective.

So that is we are going to do… Today begins a new series called “Building a Christ-Like Marriage.” Each week we will be discussing a different component of marriage and how it make it the holiest it can be. [Read more…]

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What Marriage Is Not

I recently heard a commercial on our local Christian radio station that got me pretty fired up.

It was the founder of E-Harmony, the online matchmaking website. Now, I have nothing against online dating and whatnot– God can use a variety of avenues to bring a man and woman together in marriage. But during the commercial, this dude said something that made me sigh, raise my eyebrows and get a little twitchy.

To paraphrase his statement, he said something along the lines that “the decision of who you marry will have the biggest impact on how happy you will be in life.”

Um, I don’t agree.  [Read more…]

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5 Love Languages: Military Edition (Book Review/Guest Blog)

Marriage. It’s one of the most rewarding yet challenging experiences we can be called to in life.  Paul even tells us in 1 Corinthians 7:28 that “…those who marry will face many troubles in life…”

So yeah, marriage isn’t easy. And when you add the military factor to marriage… Things can get sticky in a hurry if you don’t have your feet on a solid foundation.

Which is why we need all the Godly guidance, tools and encouragement we can get.  “The 5 Love Languages: Military Edition” covers all those bases…


I am honored to guest blog for Kindred Grace today, so if you would like to hear more about this awesome book, pop on by clicking HERE.  AND– they are giving away FIVE copies of “The 5 Love Languages: Military Edition” so don’t miss out!! [Read more…]

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Recognize the Enemy

There are few things more awkward in this world than not recognizing someone… especially when they seem to know you so well.

We’ve all be there. We are walking through the grocery store or exploring the county fair, when suddenly, from across the way, someone waves enthusiastically and shouts our name.

We glance at them and… Nothing. “Who the heck is that?” We wonder. We respond, pseudo-confidently. “Um, oh hey… YOU…” [Read more…]

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Being a Man, Husband and Father for Christ (Guest Blog)

My heart is all a-flutter today… I am SO excited about this post… AND I DIDN’T EVEN WRITE IT! That’s right, after over two years of me writing and blogging, my Beloved Husband has blessed and honored me with guest posting. (BE STILL MY HEART!) His sincerity and love of Christ is sure to inspire you (and the other men in your lives… Be sure to share it with them.) 

Oh. And be sure to leave lots and lots of comments below so Barn will know how awesome this article is… (And so he will write again soon.) 

Get ready to enter into the Jesus Testosterone Zone. 🙂  [Read more…]

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Life-as-a-wife Survival Kit

Today I would like to share with you another fun marriage post “from the archives” with a few updates and modifications. It doesn’t matter if you are a wife, know someone who is a wife or is preparing to become a wife… I am sure you can relate… 🙂 

Be blessed, 


God sure has a sense of humor. It still cracks me up almost daily that He had the idea to create man, then create woman, make us COMPLETELY different and say “Ok, live together for your entire life. Play nice. Love each other. I’m here when you need me. Good luck.” [Read more…]

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A Ruck March Marriage

You might have noticed that several of my Friday posts have been “reposts” from previously published material. It’s not that I don’t have lots of new and crazy ideas about faith,  but rather it is due to moving cross-country and not having a promise of a legit internet connection. So doing Five Minute Friday on the spot might be a little sketch til we get settled. 

So today I would like to share with you a post that was featured as my first ever guest post… It brings a lot of great memories and I pray that it provides some encouragement in your walk with Christ! ~SGK  [Read more…]

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