My iPod & God

“SIGGGGHHHH… Where in the name of all things covered in chocolate is my iPod?!?”

I have to be honest with you, dear readers. Usually I am pretty on top of things. Although my personality (sanguine) tends to be easily distracted by the bright and shiny, one of my spiritual gifts is administration, which helps me to be super organized. (Thanks for that divine, life-saving combo, Jesus!)

But occasionally, especially when I am tired or overly squirrelly, my sanguine brain reigns (say that five times fast) and I misplace things. [Read more…]

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P.A.R.K it!

(Insert obnoxious/festive cell phone ring here) 

“Hey beloved! How are ya? When will you be home tonight?  Oh… So… You won’t be coming home at all? A private did WHAT?!? Sigh… (Gulp.) Ok, honey. Yeah, I miss you too… Love you… See you when I see you.” 

As a drill sergeant spouse, this phone (and/or text) conversation happens more often than I would like.

In life, things happen. Plans change. Circumstances shift.  This doesn’t just apply to drill sergeant spouses. All of us are faced with life experiences that shake up our daily plans, from changes of schedule to a flat tire to a kid who just won’t take a nap.

We ALL have a choice on how to react… And reacting appropriately can be HARD. [Read more…]

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Stay In Step


Click, click, click, click… “One, two, three, four…”

Oh, the glory days of marching band. Now, before you start the cracks about being a band nerd, know that my high school was kinda tiny. Tiny like I graduated with 18 people in my class. And had about 80 people in our entire high school.

Which meant you were either in the band… Or you weren’t. (And seriously– who really wanted to go to an extra study hall? Pshaw.) [Read more…]

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Vanilla-Flavored Living

I’ve always heard that one bad apple can ruin the whole bunch. However, due to the fact that I rarely purchase a whole “bunch” of apples, I have yet to experience this phenomenon. (Although I have dealt with this issue in the area of potatoes. One stinky potato can make the whole bunch yucky in a hurry. But I digress.) [Read more…]

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More than A Motto

It’s Pop Quiz Wednesday! (Wait, don’t go… this will be easy, I promise.)

Quick… Name the company that goes with the following mottos/slogans:

1. “Just Do It.”

2. “Finger lickin’ Good.”

3. “It’s Everywhere you want to be.”

 4. “Can you hear me now?”

5. “I’m loving it.”

Got your answers? [Read more…]

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Fresh Cut of Joy

Annnddd… It’s Monday.

Before you pull a Garfield the Cat move by grabbing a big pan of lasagna, pulling the covers back over your head and muttering “I hate Mondays!” hang with me for just a second.

I’m not a big fan of Mondays either. I have grown to tolerate them, but honestly, what choice did I have? (Turns out employers are not super big supporters of employees who desire to boycott Mondays on a weekly basis. Just kidding.) I have learned to embrace Mondays (and every other day for that matter) because I seek to find new, fresh little cuts of joy in everything around me. [Read more…]

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Six-word living

Today we are going to talk about dying. Death. Kicking the bucket. Pushing up daisies. Walking the golden streets with Jesus. The eternal nap.

You get my drift.

I know, I know, death can be a very dark, trying and sad subject, especially if it is unexpected or painful. But hey, life is short (pun intended) so why not look at this light-hearted. After all… I know where I am going and I hope you do too. (Gonna be knock, knock, knocking on heaven’s door. Someday.) [Read more…]

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Army Of God: “Stuff With Things”

I know, I know… when a person says they have a “favorite” something that usually indicates that they  have only one. HOWEVER… I am writing this blog, so I make the rules. And today is another one of my favorite vocabulary phrases used by the Army (specifically, my husband.)

Stuff with things: The abstract phrase used to describe a plan of action or agenda that is yet undetermined or completely unknown to any or all parties involved. [Read more…]

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We have… Memory Loss

Think about your most prominent memory. Where were you? What time of year was it? Was it a good memory? A challenging experience? What type of details do you remember about it?

Reminiscing can be a lot of fun. It might also be a little painful. Personally, my memories can be triggered by a location, sound, song, smell, person or experience. Some memories are so prominent that I literally get goosebumps– it feels like I am traveling back in time, experiencing the specific event all over again. [Read more…]

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The Best is Yet to Come

So yeah. Yesterday was my birthday. (It was awesome, by the way. Thanks to everyone who shared the love with me!)

But as I welcomed this new year of my life, I spent some time reflecting, where I have been, where I am now, where I am going. God has directed my path, and I couldn’t help but think of one of my favorite poems. You might have heard of it: It’s called “The Dash” by Linda Ellis. I have read it and/or watched it many times, but every time it still gives me goosebumps.

To get the true impact of this fantastic poem, check out the following video link: [Read more…]

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