Finishing Strong

I personally believe that there is no other feeling in the world than accomplishing a huge goal and finishing strong.

Think about it…

When you cross the finish line of a race after weeks (or months!) of training… When you hit SUBMIT on that last paper for a really tough class… When you walk across the stage and receive that diploma that has been years in the making… When after 9 months, that little baby is finally laid in your arms for the first time…

Yep. There’s no other feeling in the world. [Read more…]

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Bubble Wrap Faith

Oh bubble wrap. The magical packing material that has been causing squabbles among siblings for decades.

Or was that just my sister and I who fought over who got to pop those addictingly-fun little bubbles? Either way, ya just gotta love the multi-purposeful qualities of bubble wrap. [Read more…]

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Embrace the Suck

Sometimes, life sucks.

Yeah, I said it. And yeah, I said it on a Jesus-loving Christian blog.

But its the truth. Sometimes life sucks.

We live in a world of pain. Of hurt. Of disease. Of evil. Of hard circumstances. Of moments where we wonder how the heck we are supposed to continue to function.

“Sucky” things in life range from the seemingly small and trivial (I lost my stupid wallet– again!) to the painfully large and unexplainable (Sandy Hook school shooting. Boston bombing. Explosion in Texas.)

So yeah, it’s the truth. Sometimes life really just kinda sucks. [Read more…]

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Jesus’ Funniest Videos

Let’s all be honest… Sometimes life is HILARIOUS.

I grew up watching America’s Funniest Home Videos (originally with Bob Saget.) While I never really understood why people thought that dudes getting hit in their uh, nether regions was so funny, I still enjoyed it. Plus it was relatively family friendly.

For me, most of the funniest things came from young kids.

Which brings me to share with you some of the hilarious things I did when I was younger. (Too bad we didn’t get them on tape. Maybe we would be a few thousand bucks richer?) [Read more…]

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Blowing Kisses

I believe that blowing kisses is one of the most adorable and simple (yet under utilized) acts of blessing, romance and love.

Think about it– when was the last time someone blew you a kiss? Was it your beloved spouse as you drove away on a trip? Or your child (or grandchild, niece, nephew, whoever) who did the audible, enthusiastic pucker blown kiss?

I just think the whole thing is kinda sweet.

But regardless of what earthly person is (or isn’t) blowing you sweet kisses… God blows us blessing kisses every single day. [Read more…]

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My Kind of GPS (Recalculating…)

I’m taking a New-Mama day today…so that being said, I wanted to share with you a post that was written a while back- but is still very pertinent to our everyday walks with Christ.

We might not always know where we are headed– but He does. And His plan can sure be trusted. (I promise.) Let me know what kind of surprise turns your life has taken and how God helped you through it by leaving a comment below. 

Blessings to you my darling readers!


The tires are humming on the highway. The radio on just loud enough to provide some background noise but soft enough to avoid drowning out the conversation going on between the driver and passenger.

“When do I turn?”

“Um, let me look. I feel like it is coming up.”

“Come ON, babe, its rush hour… I need to know if I need to exit anytime soon. Can I get over?” [Read more…]

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Ordinary? Yeah, not so much… (Five Minute Friday)

Hello, hello, dearest readers. It’s once again Friday (I see a pattern developing here or something 😉 ) so it is time for Five Minute Friday… Each week, I pop over to Lisa-Jo’s place, link up with her and then we write (for 5 minutes) based on the prompt that she gives us.

It’s pretty easy. And fun. And a great way to get adrenaline pumping (and braincells firing) early in the morning.

Today’s prompt: Ordinary



I am not ordinary.

Now, I don’t say that because I’m “special…” I’m really not. I’m just not ordinary. Not normal. Not typical.

And it’s a fun/challenging/neverboring way to live life. (Whoever created the idea of “ordinary” anyways? Seriously. Ordinary is so overrated.)

We all have our lil things that make us less than ordinary. For me? Let’s see… I am not ordinary because…

I am a certified auctioneer. (And have the diploma from Missouri Auction School to prove it.)

I created my Senior prom outfit out of duct tape. (That crap is sweaty, FYI– but economical. Only $32 to go to prom. Yes, please!)

I went to Citizen’s Police Academy during my 5th Senior year at K-State– just because I could.

I am a wife who is ok  with picking up and moving every few years to follow my beloved husband. (Thanks, army.)

But most of all– I’m not ordinary because I’m a follower of Jesus in a world that says “Me, me, me, it’s all about me!!”

And let’s be honest– Jesus Himself was far from ordinary. People scoffed at Him, hated Him, accused Him of being self-righteous, worshipped Him, slandered Him, loved Him… and yes, they even crucified Him.

Do you fit any of those not-so-ordinary descriptors? If so… Embrace it… Because Jesus calls us all to be extraordinary for Him. He digs it. Seriously. We can be not-so-ordinary for Christ even in our most ordinary daily tasks.

Being a Christian in both word and deed isn’t easy… But I tell you what friend– it sure it worth it.

So next time someone says to “Ug, why can’t you just be NORMAL?!?” Remember: It’s overrated. Ordinary living? Yeah, not so much. Jesus living is much more fulfilling.



In what ways are you not-so-much ordinary? Do you embrace it or struggle with it? How has God called you to live for Him? I would love to hear from you! Leave your thoughts below in our faithful comment section.

Blessings of the not-so-ordinary kind,

“So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering.” ~Romans 12:1 MSG

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When you Wreck… Rejoice!

Ever have a day that is just awesome and  totally rocks your world?

And then have you ever experienced something at the end of that awesome day that rocks your world in a less positive way?

Yep. It happened to me just a couple of weeks ago.

I had planned several weeks in advance to take a bit of a sabbatical day from ministry, blogging, writing, working etc. I was super excited because it was going to be a filled with Me Time… I started out with Quiet Time with Jesus (of course) then headed out into the world for a day of relaxation and rejoicing. First stop? Starbucks… It was free because I had a gift card left over from Christmas. (And a real treat because I don’t get Starbucks very often. I love it– but it adds up quick financially!) [Read more…]

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A Moment of Blog Silence

Today at 7 Days Time, there will be no new information or profound revelations. No witty or snarky comments. No creative analogies.

Today, there is a moment of blog silence.

On Friday, over two dozen people (including 20 children) were gunned down and killed in the Connecticut elementary school shooting. Soon after discovering this heartbreaking news, I was informed that one of our dear Kansas Agricultural Education teachers, Ms. Kendra Linnebur, had suddenly passed away from a form of meningitis. She was 32.

As I read the updates on both of these tragic events, I sobbed over Facebook. I sobbed in the shower. And now, while the tears have slowed briefly, I continue to mourn and weep upon the writing of this post. [Read more…]

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How to Deal: “Rug Rippers”

We’ve all been there. We finally feel like we’ve gotten our balance. We are walking on solid ground. Things might not be going absolutely grandiose perfecto, but they are going. We take what we can get and relish the stability. When suddenly…

WHOMP!!!  Someone (or something) rips the rug right out from underneath us.

Yep. We all have ’em in our lives. Those dreaded people/things that knock us completely off-balance and throw things out of whack.

I “fondly” call them the “rug-ripper-outters-from-underneath-us-ow-that-hurts.” That’s kind of a long name to refer back to in a blog post, so for the purposes of this post, I will refer to those people/events/things as “Rug Rippers” aka R-squared for short. [Read more…]

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