Living Dangerous: A New Definition

In a previous life, I liked to play it safe.

Oh, who am I kidding? I STILL like to play it safe. Except when it comes to living for Christ.

I learned quick, fast, and in a hurry, that when we live a dangerous life for Christ, there is no safer place we could be. [Read more…]

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“Get Started” New Year’s Coaching Special

Ever had one of those goals or dreams that when you envision it, your heart starts to race and your stomach gets all butterfly-ish?

Yeah. Me too. Those goals can be fun. Exciting. Breathtaking.

And sometimes, downright intimidating.

It’s a brand new year with a world of God-adventures right at our fingertips. Our slate has been wiped clean, and we have twelve months stretching out before us. What will we do with the time we have? [Read more…]

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Vlog: So What’s Up with Spiritual Leadership Coaching?

You got questions? He’s got answers.

I’m not kidding. He really does. How do I know? Because I’ve been there. (Shoot, I’m STILL there some days.)

As we celebrate a FRESH LAUNCH of 7 Days Time and do a huge giveaway this week (enter below or click here if you are reading this via email), I wanted to introduce you to one of major purposes for the website/ministry overhaul.

Yep. I am now a Blackaby Ministries International Certified Spiritual Leadership Coach. And I am ready to serve you.

Curious as to what spiritual leadership coaching is and what it can do for you? Check out the following vlog. [Read more…]

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Hidden Ah-Ha’s: It’s not a Vocabulary Issue

Welcome to 7 Days Time.

Today, we will be talking about vomit.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! WAIT! Don’t leave. We aren’t talking about THAT kind of well, ya know… (Sheesh, give me some credit, man. Gross.)

I’m talking about WORD vomit. You know, that flow of words that just seems to bubble up out of the depths of your being and spew everywhere before you can say, “I think I’m going to be sick.”

Something that I am (unfortunately) pretty familiar with. SIGH. [Read more…]

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True Dat (Five Minute Friday)

Five Minute Friday
Hi there, friends! It’s time for Five Minute Friday…

(Back story: Each week I link up with Lisa-Jo Baker. She gives us a prompt and we write for, yep, you guessed it… Five minutes.)

So here goes nothing.

Today’s prompt: TRUE

AND GO!  [Read more…]

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I’m not the Lord of my Life… (Thankfully!)

I am not the lord of my life… THANK GOD.

I type those words with ease, because if I was lord of my life,  I would be in serious trouble.

But there was a time (not too long ago, might I add) that I really was TRYING to be my own lord. It wasn’t extremely obvious. It’s not like I was building little golden Sharita-idol statues to put around my house and sell on Amazon. (That would be so awkward.) However, I WAS trying to do all, control all, be all to everybody.

And as lovingly as God crafted me, I am NOT made for that.

Neither are you. [Read more…]

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Recognize the Enemy

There are few things more awkward in this world than not recognizing someone… especially when they seem to know you so well.

We’ve all be there. We are walking through the grocery store or exploring the county fair, when suddenly, from across the way, someone waves enthusiastically and shouts our name.

We glance at them and… Nothing. “Who the heck is that?” We wonder. We respond, pseudo-confidently. “Um, oh hey… YOU…” [Read more…]

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The Book of Rationalizations

So… What’s your favorite book of the Bible?

If you have been a Christian longer than a day, more than likely someone has asked you this question… (Or maybe that’s just what my nerdy Jesus self talks to my friends about…)

Regardless… Have you thought about it lately? What IS your favorite book? [Read more…]

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The Power of Mind Control

I’ve always heard that mind is a terrible thing to waste.

I also believe that a mind is terribly hard to control.

Seriously. Maybe you have the ability to control your thoughts all mastered, but I sure don’t. One tiny event, action, news story or comment from someone can send my otherwise Christ-centered, balanced, content and peaceful mind spinning in the wrong direction faster than a merry-go-round on an elementary school playground.

And the enemy of my soul absolutely LOVES it. Gives him great material to work with. Jerkface. [Read more…]

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Falling to Faith (Five Minute Friday)

Five Minute Friday
Hi friends! Yep, it’s Friday. (Can I get a whoot-whoot?!?) And Friday can only mean one thing ’round these parts.

Today is the day we link up with Lisa-Jo and rock out Five Minute Friday.

For FMF, Lisa gives us a prompt. Then we write. Uninhibited. For five minutes.

It’s as easy as that.

So let’s see what is in store for us today…

Today’s Prompt: FALL

AND GO! [Read more…]

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