Not-So-Hide And Seek

“…97…98…99…100! READY OR NOT, HERE I COME!!!” 

Oh, those were the days. <Insert nostalgic sigh here> I remember those fun games of hide and seek, playing with friends, kids in the neighborhood, at school on the playground or on the farm with just my little sister and I. That rush of trying to find an ingenious hiding place… heart pounding… adrenaline pumping… waiting to see if you were found or you could find them (depending on your current “it” status.) [Read more…]

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You Got Questions? He’s got Answers! (Part 2)

“Dear Santa… Christmas is coming in a few months, so I need to ask for a few things. Please bring me endless motivation for my workouts. And a lifetime supply of chocolate that won’t make me gain any weight. Oh, and a pony. Don’t forget the pony.

Sharita lo quita jo mama

PS– When you bring the pony, please supply a revised housing contract that states we can house farm animals in our backyard on a military post. [Read more…]

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Precious Teachers = Precious Lessons

If my calculations are correct, I *think* I am in the midst of my 19th year of “formal” education. I continue to pray that this blog will continue our ability to learn, BUT…Before we dive into the deep ooey, gooey theological/spiritual/life stuff, I thought it might be helpful to give you a quick glimpse of who I am. Since wisdom is more precious than rubies, I am going to approach this “about the author” attempt per lessons I have learned via people, places and things. (I owe credit to my English teachers for teaching me that those are commonly referred to as nouns.) Ready? Let’s do this. [Read more…]

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