Practicing What We Preach: Forgiveness

We all have to deal with it.

Releasing it brings freedom, only good things come from experiencing it, but sometimes we refuse to submit and we cling to it like a two-year-old hoarding a piece of candy.

Forgiveness. I have forgotten the number of times I have unofficially coached people to dig deep and forgive someone.

Here at 7 Days Time, it has been quite the topic for discussion. We have an entire page in our Scripture Library dedicated to forgiveness. We have multiple blogs about forgiving ourselves, finding the faith to forgive, and even forgiving in the little, tiny, everyday moments.

Funny thing is, as much as I preach it and write about it, God still places this forgiveness issue on my own heart. [Read more…]

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Practicing what we Preach: Submission & Obedience

Since becoming a parent, I have learned a lot.

And I don’t mean about how to keep a tiny human alive and moderately happy.

I mean about faith.

And by faith, I mean submission and obedience to God.

Which brings us to this week’s message on practicing what we preach.  [Read more…]

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A Walk Through the Parables: The Samaritan

As an army family, being “neighborly” can be something of an awkward situation.

It is no secret when a family moves in or out of the neighborhood. The massive amounts of flying cardboard and huge semi trucks loading up thousands of pounds of personal belongings kind of give it away.

Being neighborly on post is not an easy task. Most of the time, folks keep pretty much to themselves. I am sure it is because they (ok we) are all busy and the effort it takes to build a relationship when they are probably moving to a new duty station in the next 12 seconds is, well, a lot of work.

But we try to be good neighbors. We really do. Sometimes it is well received, other times they just eat our “Welcome to the neighborhood” chicken dinner and we never hear from them again. (And they may or may not keep the Tupperware containers we served it in.)

Here’s the deal: We don’t have to be in the army to be neighborly. Heck, we don’t even have to be neighborly to only those in our neighborhood.  [Read more…]

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When We Fumble our Faith

Do you like sports?

I do… And I don’t. I enjoy watching them and cheering for them, especially the Kansas State University Wildcats! (GO STATE!)

But playing sports? Uh, no thanks. Please sign me up to be the dihydrogen monoxide manager. <Water girl.>

I have never enjoyed playing any sport other than Ultimate Frisbee for the following reasons: [Read more…]

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A Walk Through the Parables: The Vineyard Workers

When my sister and I were growing up, it seemed like every other conversation with our parents ended with the phrase “It’s not fair!”

My sister got to take a bath second which mean a slightly later bedtime. It’s not fair. A Walk through the parables

I had to spend my precious time waiting for my sister to get her stuff together after school to give her a ride since I was already able to drive. It’s not fair.

Little brother, who was 12 years younger got to live like an only child because we were long gone. It’s not fair.

I could go on… but I won’t. Because this “It’s not fair” jam really shows my ugly side.


But when we really think about it, we probably all have a side like that… And most of us can probably relate to the experience of the workers in the vineyard as we walk through the Parable found in Matthew 20.  [Read more…]

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Building a Christ-Like Marriage: Communication

Miscommunication. It is one of those seemingly insignificant aspects of our life that remains insignificant until it actually happens and you and your spouse are engaged in a no-rules-who-will-tap-out-first-cage-match situation.

Not that I would know, of course. I mean, Brandon and I communicate perfectly. Flawlessly. We communicate so well, it is practically an art form in our house.

OR NOT.  [Read more…]

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21 Truths: God is Forgiving

I come from a long line of grudge holders.

Maybe it was because of my family’s background? We jokingly say that we have a right to be stubborn because after all, our roots originate as Missouri mule. While we joke about this, I certainly don’t say this to brag or only in fun… I mention this because learning to forgive (and forgive rather quickly) has been a bit of a challenge in my Christian walk.

I am getting better at it. But still have a long ways to go. (Stinkin’ stubborn heart! Gah.)

Fortunately for my foot-dragging forgiveness struggles, I have a great example to learn from: God. Which brings us to another truth in our series of “21 Truths about God:” [Read more…]

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Faith & Feelings: Happiness

Quick! Think fast. When was the last time you were really, truly HAPPY?

Got it? I hope that you mentioned a time within the last week or so.

If not, we have got some work to do, be it perspective shifting or some heart encouragement. Heads up to those who are just now joining us… we are currently in the middle of a series looking at how our faith and feelings interact, as well as how Jesus did (or didn’t) experience those emotions. [Read more…]

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STAND ~ A One Word 2013 Review (And a challenge!)

With just a couple weeks left in 2013, tis that time of year for reflection.

It’s sure been a year. Whew. I think I need a nap. Or maybe some caffeine.

While it has been a busy year full of changes, it has also been a blessed year. Not just in circumstances (we have had our fair share of challenges) but really in heart growth toward Jesus.

My “One Word for 2013″ really contributed to that incredible growth. [Read more…]

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Hidden Ah-Ha’s: Good and Faithful Servant

 Some days I simply CANNOT wait until I get to heaven.

Now don’t take that the wrong way. I’m not looking for an early way out or anything. But on my bad AND good days, sometimes the idea of heaven is so intoxicating.

Our hearts desire to be there. A place with no pain. A place with no sad tears. A place with no suffering. And most of all… a place with JESUS. [Read more…]

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