Welcome Little Patriot: IT’S A GIRL!

Ladies and Gentlemen… It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for… (Well, at least a moment that my Beloved and I and our immediate friends/family have been waiting for…)

We are pleased to announce the birth of our first darling baby… [Read more…]

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SURPRISE! Everyday Jesus Series Intro

Not gonna lie… I just love it when a profound and exciting Jesus idea pops into my head.

Seriously. There are few things more motivating.

As we approach the birth of our first child, a season/event which my husband and I fondly call BabyTime, I have spent significant time thinking/praying as to what ministry will look like when our “Little Patriot” makes his/her debut into our lives.

My answer: I have no idea.  [Read more…]

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You just gotta ask yourself…

Sometimes you just gotta ask yourself: “How can I BEST represent Jesus in this situation?”

Kinda sounds like the old WWJD trend, right? (Who has a bracelet? You know what I’m talking about.)

But seriously– we sometimes find ourselves in super sticky situations that really seems to have no productive solution. I found myself in that very place a couple of weeks ago. I was genuinely stumped and my heart was torn.

Fortunately for me, it was prayer week at church. [Read more…]

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From Mess to Message

Sometimes we find ourselves in a big ol’ fat life mess.

Perhaps it’s due to a decision we made. Or a choice someone else made. Or a life season. Or whatever. The important thing to remember is that when we are in a big ol’ fat life mess… God is sovereign, He is over it all, and knows what He is doing.

And oftentimes, if we open our eyes (and our hearts!) that mess will turn into a pretty suh-weet Jesus message.

Been there. Done that. Living it now. [Read more…]

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Factor of 7: Jaw-Dropping Jesus Moment

Ever have a moment that catches you so off guard that your jaw just drops open automatically?

I have. Several times actually. It can be a result of some shocking information (“So-and-so is getting married!” or “Jim Bob down the road wrecked his truck because he hit a cow—but don’t worry, he’s ok.”) Perhaps it’s from someone jumping out from around the corner trying to startle someone. (which the jaw-drop is quickly followed by a thwack from me to the alleged scarer.)  Sometimes I don’t even know my mouth is gaping open with surprise til someone awkwardly tells me to pick my jaw up off the floor and close my mouth. (Such a proud moment. Sigh.)

A few days ago, my beloved husband and I had a pretty intense jaw-dropping moment… brought to us by Jesus Himself. Here’s what went down… [Read more…]

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Friday Focus: Peterson Farm Bros

Today, I am INCREDIBLY blessed and honored to bring you a Friday Focus that is not only fun– but filled with faith.

In 2012, the world has come to know the awesomeness of  Greg, Nathan and Kendal Peterson, more commonly know as the Peterson Farm Bros. These fellows have become a YouTube sensation, creating some pretty sweet parody videos to promote agriculture… And Jesus. [Read more…]

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Enough (Anxiety-Free Monday, Wk #7)

“Is that enough?”

UG! Talk about a loaded question!! It doesn’t matter if we are talking about a delectable piece of dessert, our end-of-month cash flow amount, the groceries in our shopping cart or our worth/value as a person.

More often than not, even if our mouths answer yes, our heads answer no.

It’s a hard (and yucky) truth, but as consumers, Americans and HUMANS we are a greedy, selfish bunch of folks.

Sigh. Why can’t we be satisfied? [Read more…]

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VLOG: A Sweet, Pure Life (Anxiety-Free Monday, Wk #6)

Hi readers… Today we are gonna shake things up a bit… It’s VLOG time (that’s video + blog for those of you that are new to this kind of thing. Check it out…

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=via-bD9JSdo?rel=0] [Read more…]

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Making a Splash

It’s that time of year. Folks everywhere are donning their swimsuits to hit the pool, head to the beach, fire up the sprinkler in the front yard, or for those exceptionally adventurous– spend the day at the water park.

For me, the water rides at theme parks are some of my favorite for two reasons: 1) They usually aren’t too intense and 2) It is sooo refreshing when you have been walking for miles, standing in line and sweating all day.

Even if you have never been on one of those nifty water park rides, you most likely seen them on T.V. They load a ton of people into a boat/raft thing, haul them to the top of the ride then SPLASH!!! Down they go, squealing, squawking and dripping wet. [Read more…]

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A Lifestyle Fashion Statement

Hmmm… Ok… Should I wear my favorite blue shirt? Or maybe the one with pink stripes? If I do, maybe I could go with the hoop earrings? Or should I be dressier? Ok, let’s do the blue shirt with silver dangly earrings and my cross necklace. There. Decision made.

Oh wait. My blue shirt is in the dirty laundry. Sigh. Let’s try this again.

I am certainly not the most fashionable person on the planet—far from it, actually. I dress decent enough to get by, and if I really need to, can groom and clean up reasonably well. I’m not a girl who has to wear make up every time I leave the house and if you see me at the gym wearing mascara, you can assume that it is leftover from an event earlier in the day. [Read more…]

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