An Ungrateful Heart & a Gentle Thwack between the Eyes (#EverydayJesus)

Welcome to another week of our Everyday Jesus link-up. Be sure to link-up below this post, comment on your neighbor’s blog and share with your friends… Because Jesus is everywhere, every day! 


Some days I feel almost ok about my state of heart when it comes to following Jesus.

Like on days where His patience shines through with my daughter or I manage not to snap at the hubs when the dishes fail to make the two-foot leap from the sink to the dishwasher. Or when I have an extra-awesome quiet time or get a lot of His work done during nap time.

Then there are other days that my sin-nature rears its very, very ugly head and shocks me into an almost speechless mode. (And for those of you who have met me, you know that me + speechless = pretty serious situation.)

This ugliness recently showed up at my breakfast table during my quiet time.  [Read more…]

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The Rolling Stones

Fun Fact: The Rolling Stones recorded 437 songs.

That is a lot of blues-ish rock and roll music minutes.

Pretty cool, huh? Now you have something interesting to share tonight at the supper table. [Read more…]

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Faith and Feelings: Frustrated

Photo courtesy of Jonathan Robison via Flickr

Sometimes I get so frustrated I just want to scream. Or punch something. Or hide in the closet and inhale a bag of chocolate.

But I refrain. (Most of the time, anyways.)

There are so many experiences in life that can produce frustration. Perhaps its a continual miscommunication with our spouse. I could be a teething baby who refuses to nap. Maybe it is that pesky bathroom scale with numbers that refuse to budge even after you have worked your tail off the last week.

Frustration is everywhere and is one of the important “feelings” to discuss in our “Faith and Feelings” series. Fortunately for us, we aren’t alone in our frustration.  [Read more…]

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Faith & Feelings: Happiness

Quick! Think fast. When was the last time you were really, truly HAPPY?

Got it? I hope that you mentioned a time within the last week or so.

If not, we have got some work to do, be it perspective shifting or some heart encouragement. Heads up to those who are just now joining us… we are currently in the middle of a series looking at how our faith and feelings interact, as well as how Jesus did (or didn’t) experience those emotions. [Read more…]

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Faith and Feelings: Anger

Anger. Such a powerful emotion.

This feeling can range from slightly annoyed to seeing-red-smoking-ear-tears-streaming. There’s a lot of power behind that. I have discovered that some Christians take things a bit out of context and say if we are legit Christians, we should never be angry.

Yeah, no. I think not.  [Read more…]

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Why Jesus Needed an Eraser for His Pencil (#EverydayJesus Linkup)

Do you ever make mistakes?

If you answered no to this question, then you are excused. (And might I recommend Googling the phrase “honesty is the best policy?”)

For all the rest of us normal folks, the answer to that question is probably, “Heck yes, I make mistakes.” I know that I is my answer. I make mistakes dozens of times in a single day. And not just the “huge” mistakes like yelling at the dog or getting ticked at my Beloved husband for a miscommunication issue. But even the small stuff. Like misspelling a word. (I actually misspelled the word “misspell” til my computer lit up and reminded me it has two S’s.)

As a writer, I make tons of mistakes. Most of them you (hopefully?) don’t see because I delete words or sentences, utilize spell check and read through a post before I push publish. [Read more…]

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Series Intro: Feelings & Faith

My little brother makes me laugh.

He is a teenager now, almost 16. (Which I find terrifying and slightly gross– because it makes me feel exceptionally old.) My little bro is a sophomore in high school at the time of this writing, has a girlfriend (AH!) and a mechanically wired brain. (He recently re-built the transmission of his truck after watching one YouTube video. What?)

Anywho, as awkward as this boy/man is, I love him to pieces. And even though he is growing up, some of his antics still make me laugh.

A few weeks ago, he was doing some Food Science homework assigned by my good friend/college roommate Kayla (known to most in our hometown community as Mrs. Taylor.) It was very science-y and one of the questions was “List one item that doesn’t have matter.” [Read more…]

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Haters gonna hate (Jesus gonna love)

If you wear your heart on your sleeve, you risk getting it broken by a stranger. But if that heart is a heart for Jesus, He will always protect and restore it.

Since re-launching this  7 Days Time website, I have been making more of an effort to suck less at Twitter. (Great news: I’m getting there and no longer despise it.)

However, when we do “dangerous” things like writing about our Jesus-hearts or sharing Scripture with the world via social media, we inadvertently invite the haters to stroll on in. [Read more…]

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Hidden Ah-Ha: The Only Thing that Counts

There are a lot of books, movies and discussion groups out there that always seem to be attempting to answer one question:

“What is the meaning of life?”

It’s a good question, and a hard one at that. But I don’t think the answer is going to be found in a Hollywood production or just any old book.

For me, my heart knows what counts. [Read more…]

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I see Him Everywhere (Five Minute Friday)

Five Minute Friday

Hiya, peeps.

It’s Five Minute Friday time, that moment in the week where I link-up with Lisa-Jo Baker, she gives us a prompt and we write. For five minutes flat. No editing, no over thinking.

So how’s about we cut the chit chat and get to crackin’, eh?

Today’s prompt: SEE

AND GO! [Read more…]

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