Celebrating the Holidays During Hard Times

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The holidays are some of the happiest times of the year. Unfortunately, Covid-19 will probably make celebrating a little tricky this year. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have a fun, memorable holiday season. Here are a few ideas to celebrate the holidays with joy and cheer despite an ongoing pandemic.

First off, prepare yourself and your kids for a different holiday season this year. Let your family members know what changes to expect, such as cancelled travel plans, less gifts, or smaller holiday parties. Make sure you talk yourself through this too, not just your children or loved ones. It’s one thing to explain something to someone else, it’s another thing to realize it yourself. Allow yourself to mourn the changes that this holiday season will bring. Also allow yourself to feel hopeful about future holidays, when you may be able to celebrate in all the ways you are used to. [Read more…]

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Where is Your Joy?

Where is your joy?

Admittedly, it is tempting to base joy on our circumstances.

But (even though I don’t get it right every time) I’ve learned to find joy in the best AND hardest moments.

Joy is…

The smell of bacon wafting through the entire house.

How the cool morning breeze nips gently at your nose.

The anticipation of Christmas.

The anticipation of Christ’s return.

The O’Dark Thirty quiet time with God before the rest of the house wakes.

The comforting hug from your Beloved Spouse when you get heartbreaking information when he is stateside.

 The comforting hug from a good friend when your husband is deployed.

A really good cup of coffee.

Returning from home after a long trip.

Finding victory when the day doesn’t go as planned.

Family in town to provide a break from the seriousness of life.

Standing on the precipice of a new life season.

Successfully building a fire in the fireplace all by yourself.

When the stockings really are hung by the chimney with care.

White elephant gifts that make your friends literally laugh out loud.

A freshly mopped floor.

The rhythmic ticking of an old-school analog clock.

Joy is… everywhere.

Because joy is Jesus.

Friends, where is YOUR joy today? I would love to hear the things that make your heart sing. Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments below.

“You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” ~Psalm 16:11

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Humorous Holiday Hacks: Round 3 (Army Wife Network)

It’s the most wonderful time of the year… Not just because Christmas makes us feel all warm, fuzzy, snuggly and gives us the perfect excuse to eat #AllTheThings. But because I have a new reason to create yet another “batch” of humorous holiday hacks…

These Humorous Holiday Hacks are tips and tricks that, while entertaining, may or may not make your holiday season easier. (But hey, if it puts a smile on our face, that’s something right?)

Before we dig in to this fresh round of all things humorous, holiday-ish and hack-like, feel free to hop over and check out our previous hack batches by clicking here and here. 

Now, let’s get down to business. And by business, I mean let’s get ready to laugh about all things holiday.


1. Every holiday season, I just get so dang overwhelmed. I tell myself every year that I am going to keep from getting stressed but it never seems to work. I feel like I am running in a million different directions with my hair on fire yelling ‘What do I do with my hands?!?!’ Talk about a joy sucker. How can I keep the Christmas spirit without losing my mind? 

Hack: Ah, dear reader… Solidarity! Most of us, at some point, have probably been there, done that, spilled spiked egg nog on the T-shirt. But now, I would like to introduce you to one of my favorite terms, actually adopted from this army-wife life. Are you ready? Say it with me: VOLUNTOLD. This delightful word is the key to all things sanity, especially around the holiday season. It’s that odd hybrid of getting someone to volunteer, but in reality its more of a command than a request. (See the connection with the army now?) We personally have to muster up the courage to say, “No thanks” when someone tries to back us in to a corner and voluntell us to do something. (If you struggle with telling others no, you can always pretend not to speak English OR wear earbuds wherever you go so as to pretend you can’t hear anything around you.) Also, be bold and start voluntelling other people in your circle to get to crack-a-lacking and help you out.

I’ve got three more humorous hacks to share with you this year (AND an Amazon giveaway going on– you don’t need any military affiliation to enter/win) over at Army Wife Network. Pop over, check it out and enter to win some extra spending money for this Holiday season.

Which humorous hack was your favorite? Do you have a humorous (or real) holiday hack you would like to share? Feel free to comment below!

And have a very Merry, non-stressful and humorous holiday season!

Laughing through the Holidays,

Initials Signature Blog

He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy.” ~Job 8:21

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A Holiday Perspective & Abundantly More #WilcoWednesday

Welcome to Wilco Wednesday! If you are a new around these parts, “Wilco” is Army-speak for “Will Comply.” Think of it as saying “Roger, God. Got it. Will do.”  So that is what Wednesday here at 7 Days Time is all about– exploring his decrees and seeking guidance for what complying with Him looks like in everyday life. The best part? He loves us for who we are, not what we do.  Remember: He doesn’t want perfection, just obedience. Share. Enjoy. Interact. And let’s respond to God’s call with  a hearty “Wilco, Lord!” Welcome today one of the most insightful, humorous writer-y friends I have ever met, Lindsey. 


I’ve been struggling a lot with time crunches and stress this month, which is disappointing. This month was supposed to be set aside for calm. I had plans to shop for my loved ones slowly and with intention. I was going to sit at my kitchen table with tea and watch the rain. I was going to read short Christmas devotionals to my kids every night leading up to the 25th. I even took time off work to enjoy the season.

Has any of that happened?

Ha! Replace “slow” with “rushed.” Replace “tea” with “3rd cup of coffee.” Take out “read short devotionals” to “try to get a bath in once a week.” Did work leave me alone? Nope—last minute deadlines that my smooth-talkin’ boss talked me in to are piled on my desk. [Read more…]

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Because Postage is Expensive (Holiday Recap 2015)

Is it just me, or is postage mucho expensive-o these days? (I’ve been working on my Spanish…)

At the risk of sounding ancient, I remember when buying a book of stamps didn’t cost the equivalent to a first-born child.

Well, now I just sound ungrateful. I’m not. Really. I am so glad that we live in a country where we have such infrastructure to send things across the country for a handful of cash in just a few days.

(Super Random Side Note: I recently discovered how the term “Going Postal” was created. I stood in line in the post office during a lunch hour on a Monday. I had to pray REALLY hard to keep from going cray-cray. I am to be like Jesus, deep breaths, what would Jesus do?… Well, there I go, sounding all ungrateful again. My bad.) [Read more…]

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A Gratitude Rhyme (Wives of Faith)

The holidays are upon us,
Once again, soon it seems,
Turkeys, family, fun, travel,
And of course those sugarplum dreams.

But really it’s no secret,
That this time of year,
Can make us weary and anxious,
Facing days to come with fear.

However in my walk,
With Jesus our Savior and Lord,
I have discovered a secret,
That just couldn’t be ignored. [Read more…]

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9 Humorous Holiday Hacks

The holidays are looming.

Some of you out there have already made your list, checked it twice and bought gifts for all those who have been naughty and nice. I know folks who have their holiday meals planned with grocery lists at the ready. Others have already began creating a magnificent Pinterest centerpiece with hopes that guests will talk about it for centuries to come.

If you fall into that category, more power to you sister. (You should invite us over for Christmas. I will bring a store-bought veggie tray. And maybe some Wal-Mart cupcakes.)

I like beautiful Christmas décor. I love eating delicious food. But girls, we are army wives. Managing Household 6 is enough without adding more hoopla to our holiday plate. Society’s Pinterest expectations can only be met when the army/kids/hubs are all in sync.

Around our house, sometimes the only things “in sync” are the dirty dishes. #SeeWhatIDidThere?

If you ever celebrate the holidays at our house and everything is magazine-ish-styled-gourmet-matchy-matchy, just assume my dormant craft/cooking skills blossomed after one too many cups of eggnog.

Perhaps you identify. If so, never fear.  I have found a way to work smarter instead of harder this holiday season.  All it takes is a bit of creativity, a great sense of humor and refined excuse-making skills.

Now presenting: 9 Humorous Holiday Hacks

 Holiday_Hacks1. “Arrrggghhh!! I am almost done wrapping these gifts but am four inches short of having enough paper. The stores are closed and I have to give this gift tomorrow.”
Hack: Use newspaper, old magazines, or even the kid’s used coloring book pages if you are desperate. If anyone questions your methods, simply say that you decided to “Go Green.”

 2.“I tried a new recipe and it tastes funky. It is still edible and safe for consumption (I think), but definitely tastes weird.”
Hack: Tell everyone that you wanted to “experiment” with a new type of eating like Vegan or Whole30. If you don’t want to risk them calling you out (“Wait, Paleo doesn’t use cheese and this thing is smothered in it!”) claim that you are trying to eat “healthier” or that the dish is a “tradition” passed down for 35 generations. If you are really feeling salty, invent a new type of cuisine on the spot. Do this by spelling your favorite holiday food backward and stating it is from your favorite country. “Yeah, this is called yekrut from Morocco.”

3. “I gave my sister a pair of blaze orange Crocs and it was just awkward.”
Hack: When a gift is not well-received, always have a sentimental story on standby. “Sis, don’t you remember when we went to the zoo as kids? You were wearing an orange blazer and your favorite animals were the crocodiles.”

Want to read the rest of the list? Pop on over to Army Wife Network to check it out.

What humorous holiday hacks would you add to the list? I would love to hear from you. Feel free to leave a comment.

Hang onto these hacks and before you know it, everyone will want to know your “secrets” for a stress-free, seamless holiday season. #IsItNewYearsYet?

Here’s to Holiday Humor,

Initials Signature Blog

“She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” ~Proverbs 31:25

Linking up today with Kelli via Unforced Rhythms,  Laura at Playdates with God,  Joan’s  Beauty in His Grip Jen over at Soli Deo Gloria Sisterhood,  and Hazel via  Tell Me a Story. Be sure to join our #EverydayJesus link-up  community right here at 7 Days Time every Thursday!



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Happy “Dependence” Day (And no, that’s not a typo)

Today’s post is a blast from the past… Enjoy! 


In case you didn’t get the memo via the numerous Facebook posts, the shortage of hotdogs and burgers at the store, or the large late night explosive sounds…

It’s Independence Day. Happy 4th of July!

Today, we celebrate our freedom. What a blessing it is to live in the United States! (Somebody bring me a sparkler!!)

But even more than our patriotic freedom… Let’s celebrate our freedom in Christ. When He took His last breath on the cross, our chains were broken. We were no longer bonded by sin.

We have a hope and a future… And that’s even more awesome than fireworks and cookouts. [Read more…]

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Get Rich Quick…

Maybe it’s just me… but sometimes I still find myself being a little surprised/shocked at how many folks want to “make it big” and “get rich quick.”

Every day, we encounter some kind of “great plan” giving us the chance to make some alleged fast cash. Now,  I’m sure some of those business schemes ideas are legit, but really, most just make me roll my eyes.

This blog post is not a slam against monetary success. We’ve talked about it before– Jesus never said money in itself was the root of evil. The LOVE of money is. Ultimately, our reaction to it determines the result.

It can bless. Or it can destroy. We get to choose. [Read more…]

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Happy “Dependence” Day (And no, that’s not a typo)

In case you didn’t get the memo via the numerous Facebook posts, the shortage of hotdogs and burgers at the store, or the large late night explosive sounds…

It’s Independence Day. Happy 4th of July!

Today, we celebrate our freedom. What a blessing it is to live in the United States! (Somebody bring me a sparkler!!)

But even more than our patriotic freedom… Let’s celebrate our freedom in Christ. When He took His last breath on the cross, our chains were broken. We were no longer bonded by sin.

We have a hope and a future… And that’s even more awesome than fireworks and cookouts. [Read more…]

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