Why Jesus Needed an Eraser for His Pencil (#EverydayJesus Linkup)

Do you ever make mistakes?

If you answered no to this question, then you are excused. (And might I recommend Googling the phrase “honesty is the best policy?”)

For all the rest of us normal folks, the answer to that question is probably, “Heck yes, I make mistakes.” I know that I is my answer. I make mistakes dozens of times in a single day. And not just the “huge” mistakes like yelling at the dog or getting ticked at my Beloved husband for a miscommunication issue. But even the small stuff. Like misspelling a word. (I actually misspelled the word “misspell” til my computer lit up and reminded me it has two S’s.)

As a writer, I make tons of mistakes. Most of them you (hopefully?) don’t see because I delete words or sentences, utilize spell check and read through a post before I push publish. [Read more…]

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Haters gonna hate (Jesus gonna love)

If you wear your heart on your sleeve, you risk getting it broken by a stranger. But if that heart is a heart for Jesus, He will always protect and restore it.

Since re-launching this  7 Days Time website, I have been making more of an effort to suck less at Twitter. (Great news: I’m getting there and no longer despise it.)

However, when we do “dangerous” things like writing about our Jesus-hearts or sharing Scripture with the world via social media, we inadvertently invite the haters to stroll on in. [Read more…]

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A Simple Gift… In case you forgot

I LOVE getting gifts. Even more so– I love giving gifts. Although it’s not my primary love language– sometimes it sneaks its way to the top. And over the last year and a half or so of blogging and doing online ministry (time flies!) we have continually mentioned God’s great gifts– big and small. (In fact, I continue to work on my 1000 gift list inspired by Ann Voskamp’s book. As of this post, I am over 1500 and still going strong!)

The other day, I was digging through some of my archived blogs– and ran across this one. It made me laugh– and encouraged my heart… so I though that re-sharing it was in order.

I pray it speaks to you– so read, share, comment, enjoy. You know the drill.

Oh– and thanks for being such a blessing and gift in MY life, dear reader! [Read more…]

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Caution: Extra Grace Required

Well all have them in our lives.

You know them well.

In fact, all of us probably ARE these kinds of people from time to time.

That’s right. Those folks in your life who try your patience. That require prayer to deal with. Sometimes the mere sight of them makes your heart race.

They are EGR’s: Extra Grace Required. [Read more…]

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Check your Gauge (Five Minute Friday)

It’s time for Five Minute Friday. (I will give you a moment to collect yourself.)

FMF is a great exercise, just to write– for five minutes flat, not stressing about grammar and commas, not overthinking the process or the message.
Five Minute Friday
Just write. Then we link up with Lisa-Jo. 

Easy, huh? (Just what we need on a low-key Friday!)

Let’s do this.

Today’s prompt: GRACEFUL

Anddddd GO! [Read more…]

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Who I Am

Happy September, all!

Oh, and Happy Labor Day.

So, here’s the deal. I’m just gonna be straight up with you today. (Actually, I hope I am ALWAYS straight up with you… but today might be straighter than normal. Ha.)

At the beginning of a new month, typically I update you all on my SMART goals for 2012. I’ve been working on this list since January, and asked you to be my accountability partner. [Read more…]

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A Patriotic Reveal

Today’s blog post is brought to you by little green army men, our pup Sweet Justus and a fun sense-of-humor-laden family project…

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The Rule of 4.0

“Moooommmm… I… didn’t…do…good…on… (sob)…my (gasp)… Chemistry… (sniff)…tessssttttttt. I…won’t…get…an.. A!” 

That is a real (ok, paraphrased) excerpt from a conversation that I frequently had with my Mom on the phone my freshmen year of college at K-State.

Chemistry was a nightmare. And when I bombed that first test, I was convinced my life was over. Seriously. Up until that point, I had only gotten a “B” on a report card ONCE in my life, and that was my freshmen year of high school in Algebra. (What IS it with freshmen year? And boo on math.) [Read more…]

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Sabbatical brought to you by: Generosity and Grace

Many of us have dreams of where we would like to visit or vacation. Perhaps the beach. Maybe the mountains. Or it could be somewhere ritzy.

For me… I just wanted… AWAY.

God called me to come away with Him this weekend. I had some incredible time alone, by myself, just Jesus and I in Pine Mountain, Georgia. He recharged my heart, mind and soul for doing His work. I could talk about the words He spoke to me for about a month’s worth of blog posts. But I will spare you all of the major details… For now. 😉 (Don’t worry– Thanks to this weekend, I’ve got plenty of new Jesus revelations to share AMERICA! ) [Read more…]

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A Taste Test: Bitter to sweet

It was the summer before my 5th grade year. We had just moved to southeast Kansas a couple months ago. It was blazing hot July in our little trailer house that we had just “planted” in the middle of a bean field. (Literally.) I was bored. Which made me hungry. Which made me curious.

I decided that Mom had to have something interesting to snack on in our pantry or cabinet. I was a short kid (still am at 5′ 2″) so I enlisted the help of a kitchen chair. I scooted it across the floor and parked it in front of the pantry. I climbed up and peered onto the top shelf… JACKPOT. [Read more…]

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