What Really Matters (5 Minute Friday, Modified)

Good morning, sweet readers. So, fun fact. Summers get crazy for us in the blogging world. Between conferences, family time and vacations where places have no reception, our blogging sched gets a wee bit jacked up.

Today, our typical Five Minute Friday is a little different. The leader of this weekly link-up, Lisa-Jo is disconnected for vacay. (Interesting how I wrote about being “Unplugged” yesterday and I myself was away from all things technology a few days ago.)  She left us a former blog post, and since I had nothing prepared to share this morning (can you say post-vacation-brain-mush) as I was planning for Five Minute Friday… I have decided create my own Five Minute writing fiasco.

I’m picking my own prompt based on her blog article today. Little different, but welcome to the world of blog improvisation and brain-mush syndrome 🙂

So today’s self-prompt: What Really Matters 

Ready? GO!  [Read more…]

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Happy “Dependence” Day (And no, that’s not a typo)

In case you didn’t get the memo via the numerous Facebook posts, the shortage of hotdogs and burgers at the store, or the large late night explosive sounds…

It’s Independence Day. Happy 4th of July!

Today, we celebrate our freedom. What a blessing it is to live in the United States! (Somebody bring me a sparkler!!)

But even more than our patriotic freedom… Let’s celebrate our freedom in Christ. When He took His last breath on the cross, our chains were broken. We were no longer bonded by sin.

We have a hope and a future… And that’s even more awesome than fireworks and cookouts. [Read more…]

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Think “Fast” (7 Experiment, Week 3)


The countdown is on, folks! We are ¾ of the way through our 7 Foods for 30 days fasting. We are really stoked that God is working so powerfully in our lives.

And very stoked that caffeine and ketchup are soon to be back on our menu. [Read more…]

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Stay In Step


Click, click, click, click… “One, two, three, four…”

Oh, the glory days of marching band. Now, before you start the cracks about being a band nerd, know that my high school was kinda tiny. Tiny like I graduated with 18 people in my class. And had about 80 people in our entire high school.

Which meant you were either in the band… Or you weren’t. (And seriously– who really wanted to go to an extra study hall? Pshaw.) [Read more…]

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Stirred, Not Shaken

There are several things in life that are meant to be shaken, not stirred.

Take Shake-N-Bake for instance. I mean, you literally have to shake up that delectable piece of chicken in a plastic bag filled with the coating. Stirring is simply not a legitimate alternative.

Or what about mixing formula in a baby bottle? I don’t know many folks that have had much success with stirring formula. Shaking is easier and more efficient, so why not?

And of course we can’t forget good ol’ 007 James Bond’s love for shaken, not stirred martinis. (Fun fact: I’ve never had a martini, shaken, stirred or otherwise.) [Read more…]

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20/20 Vision

Do you wear glasses or contact lenses? I don’t. And I am very thankful for that. I have been blessed (so far anyways) to have pretty legit vision when it comes to reading and seeing near, far and everything in between. My beloved husband, however, is a whole ‘nother story.

Without his glasses/contact lenses, my sweet husband is practically blind. Ok, not really in the legal sense, but his eyes are jacked up enough that without corrective lenses of some kind, functioning is practically impossible. [Read more…]

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Junk Food of Life

It’s everywhere you look. On TV, in the newspaper, throughout the aisles of the grocery store, by the checkout register. Colorful packages beckon you to reach out and take them home. We love it. We sometimes think we need it. Oh baby, we gotta have it.

Such is the junk food of life. Cookies, chips, soda, candy, anything deep-fried and covered in chocolate. Now that’s tasty right there. Talk about instant gratification.

For the general American population, we tend to take a things for granted. We can have a bag of Cheetos and 32 oz ThirstBuster of Coke in our hands before you can say “$2.53, please.” We can get a full meal in our hands via drive-thru in about 4 minutes or less. And we can eat pretty much whatever we want. [Read more…]

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Think “Fast”

The sand was warm underfoot. The water flowed gently, the current making a gentle swishing sound. Puppy Justus was exploring, sniffing, digging and splashing. I was reading the first chapter of a book out loud to my husband.

It’s amazing how simple, serene moments can change your life so quickly.

My beloved and I were enjoying a sliver of time last Saturday, relaxing in our mushroom chairs on the pseudo “beach” area near a small river on Fort Benning. I had recently gotten a copy of Jen Hatmaker’s book 7: An Experimental Mutiny against Excess. The general premise of the book deals with the fact that we live in a society obsessed with stuff. The book documents Jen’s month-by-month experiment to eliminate the “junk” in life. Each month, the author chose a different area of her life to focus on.  Month #1? Food. [Read more…]

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Vanilla-Flavored Living

I’ve always heard that one bad apple can ruin the whole bunch. However, due to the fact that I rarely purchase a whole “bunch” of apples, I have yet to experience this phenomenon. (Although I have dealt with this issue in the area of potatoes. One stinky potato can make the whole bunch yucky in a hurry. But I digress.) [Read more…]

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More Productive Perspective (Five Minute Friday)

The end of the week,
Now has arrived,
Let’s take a moment to rejoice,
For we have survived.

In the bloggers world,
Friday’s mean fast,
Writing for Five Minutes,
Can be such a blast.

Link up with The Gypsy Mama,
For she gives us a prompt,
Write nonstop for 5 minutes,
Til that clock tells us stop.

So tis Five Minute Friday,
Don’t edit, don’t think,
Pay close attention,
For time passes in a wink!

Todays Prompt: PERSPECTIVE

Annddd… GO! [Read more…]

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