For Days When you want to Quit

We all have them. Believe me, I know it.

Honestly, at the time that I am writing this post, I am having a moment. An episode. A day.

A day that I want to quit.

I want to quit everything. My goals, my relationships, my ministry. But I won’t. [Read more…]

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Just GO

As I child, I didn’t get out much. (Hey, we lived on a farm. In the country. At least 15-25 miles from a legitimate restaurant. In fact, the first 10 years of my life found us 90 miles from the nearest Wal-Mart. Seriously.) So when we did get the chance to go ANYWHERE as a family, I wanted to know WHERE we were going… Immediately.

“HEY! WHERE ARE WE GOING!?!” (Imagine this forceful statement in your best childlike slightly whiny/curious voice.)

For those of you who haven’t met my beloved Daddy, he is something of a smart aleck. (Good thing that’s not hereditary, right?) Whenever I asked this oh-so-vital question, it was met with one of the following answers: [Read more…]

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