A Solid Foundation (Anxiety-Free Monday, Wk #10)

Between 8th and 9th grade, my family built a house.

My Dad worked for a low-key home/building construction crew, and it was always a dream of my parents to not just own a home, but to have a home THEY designed and built.

So we went to work. Talk about a family bonding experience. Holy moly.

We were going through a lot during that time. Not only was I a teenager (super precious years of my life, BTW– yikes) but my lil bro was a couple of years old, my sister was also a teenager, and my grandma was living out her last year with us as cancer slowly took her life.

So we built a house in the midst of all this hoopla. I learned a lot. [Read more…]

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Think “Fast” Finale!

Oh how I missed you, my sweet tomato condiment. Welcome back.

Break out the ketchup and the frozen yogurt people! (Not together, please.) We made 30 days with only eating 7 foods.

Lemme tell you what. It was a long month. But a blessed one.

(To recap, check out last week’s update post here.)

Anywho, I am glad to say peace out to my only menu items of chicken, eggs, bread, apples, sweet potatoes, avocados, and spinach. I am excited to welcome back things like ketchup, dairy products and seasonings other than simply salt and pepper. [Read more…]

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A Latte Love (Factor of 7)

Yesterday at 5:45am, my phone alarm went off. But unlike other days as of late, I had NO problem bounding out of bed.

It was time for third month of Factor of 7. I was so excited about it, I woke up three times throughout the night to make sure I hadn’t overslept for our Jesus adventure.

As I write this, I can’t tell if my excited jitters are from the skinny caramel macchiato I had or the remnants of our Starbucks Factor of 7. (Talk about some legit Jesus Caffeine!) [Read more…]

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Jesus Caffeine

What gets you up out of the bed in the morning?

I am sure many of my more cynical or sarcastic readers would say “My stinkin’ alarm clock” or “That job I committed to working at” or “My extremely motivated 3-year-old child.” Perhaps I should rephrase that…

So… What gets you excited and happily out of bed in the morning?

What are the things that you could stay up late, get up early and spend hours talking about? [Read more…]

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Army of God: “AMERICA!”

Today’s army word of the day should come as no surprise to those of you who know me…


Yes, I am an army wife… But I started saying this before I became a wife… I think Brandon got me started on it early during our dating relationship. And here we are, almost three years (seriously?!?) later. I also started saying it before that movie “The Other Guys” with Will Ferrell came out (he says it after he guns the gas petal… it was grand.) [Read more…]

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