Building a Christ-like Marriage: The Foundation

Marriage. What a blessed, challenging and complicated aspect of life.

One that I personally believe is well-worth discussing, especially from a Christian perspective.

So that is we are going to do… Today begins a new series called “Building a Christ-Like Marriage.” Each week we will be discussing a different component of marriage and how it make it the holiest it can be. [Read more…]

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Redefining Balance

Balance. It can be such a “heavy” word. (Pun intended.)

2013 is looking like it could be a shake-up year– not in a bad way, but with a new (aka our first) baby on the way and 2,800 mile move per duty station change looming quickly there after, things could get interesting.

Perhaps you are facing a similar year. (Or had one of those last year.) We aren’t facing our future with fear– which we are thrilled about– but rather just awareness that this might not be easy. [Read more…]

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A Solid Foundation (Anxiety-Free Monday, Wk #10)

Between 8th and 9th grade, my family built a house.

My Dad worked for a low-key home/building construction crew, and it was always a dream of my parents to not just own a home, but to have a home THEY designed and built.

So we went to work. Talk about a family bonding experience. Holy moly.

We were going through a lot during that time. Not only was I a teenager (super precious years of my life, BTW– yikes) but my lil bro was a couple of years old, my sister was also a teenager, and my grandma was living out her last year with us as cancer slowly took her life.

So we built a house in the midst of all this hoopla. I learned a lot. [Read more…]

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Marriage on “The Rock”

Big news from the entertainment world, America. Are you sitting down? Ready?

Another celebrity marriage has failed.

Yep, Kim Kardashian’s marriage has failed after 72 days. Honestly, I have never watched her show or anything associated with her other than the commercials that sneak in between whatever program I am watching. But the “news” of her divorce is all over the media, so it’s hard to miss it. Which started me thinking… [Read more…]

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