No Such Thing as Good-bye (Five-Minute Friday)

Oh what joy I have in my heart today! It’s Friday! (Insert happy dance here!)

One reason (among several) that I am joyous that it’s the end of the week? Because Five Minute Friday is here for us in the blogging world.

To catch you up: On Friday’s I link up with The Gypsy Mama. She gives us a prompt, then we write for five minutes flat. No over thinking. No editing. Just write.

I kind of think of it as a high intensity cardio-workout of the phalanges. (Phalanges= finger bones and personally one of the top five most hilarious words on the planet.)

So today’s prompt? Good-bye. 

Ready? Let’s do it. GO!  [Read more…]

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Salt and Light (Five Minute Friday)

Praise the Lord for Five Minute Friday! Why, you ask my dear reader? Well, I am learning a lesson on what it means to be a Jesus blogger and temporary Mama. I offered to watch a friend’s two little precious girls overnight so they are currently ankle deep in toys in my living room watching Tangled.

Needless to say– my attention is a bit divided.

On that note, time to get down to business… Of Fridays I link up with The Gypsy Mama. She gives us a one word prompt, and we write like the wind for five minute. No over thinking, no editing.

Today’s prompt: LIGHT

Ready? GO! [Read more…]

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True Love’s Gift (Five Minute Friday)

“It’s finally Friday… Free again… Finally Friday… Time for a ‘wild’ weekend…”

Oh hey. Didn’t see you there. (Ok, maybe I did, but I really wanted to finish the chorus.)

Today is Friday, in case you didn’t get my singing memo. And Friday in this gal’s blogging world specifically means it’s FIVE MINUTE FRIDAY.

For those of you newcomers, on Fridays I link up with The Gypsy Mama… she gives us a prompt and we write for five minutes flat. No more, no less. Just letting the words flow. No editing, no over-thinking. Challenging, fun and theraputic. My kind of Friday fun.

Ok, enough yammering on my part. Let’s get this Friday party started. Todays prompt is GIFT. 


GO!  [Read more…]

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Coping with a Rather Loud Crowd (Five Minute Friday)

A few reasons to rejoice today, world… 1) IT’S FRIDAY! (That should be enough to put a smile on your face, eh?) 2) In this blogger’s world, Friday means it is finger sprinting time… Great training for my mind/body/heart. Hope I am all warmed up.

On Fridays, I link up with The Gypsy Mama. She gives us a one word prompt, then we write. For five minutes flat. No over-thinking. No editing. Just writing. Literally just going with the flow (of words, that is.)

Thus on that note, I do believe it’s go time. Todays prompt: LOUD.


GO!  [Read more…]

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Five Minute Friday: Embracing Empty

Good morning all and HAPPY FRIDAY! (Can I get an AMEN?) I am linking up again this week with Gypsy Mama and her Five Minute Friday Fun.

If you are new to this five minute Friday writing concept, let me catch you up… Each week, Gypsy Mama gives us a prompt. Then we write. No over thinking, no editing. For five minutes. That is all.

Think of it like a finger sprint to the kitchen to get the last cookie. Only instead of cookies, I’m going after words. (Although a cookie does sound good…)

Today’s prompt:



GO! [Read more…]

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Hurt So Good (Five Minute Friday)

Today, I am linking up with The Gypsy Mama and hopping aboard the “Five Minute Friday” experience. She gives us a prompt. Then we write, fingers flowing, purely for the joy of writing. For five minutes. And five minutes only. No editing. No profound outlines and thought development.

Just write. So today, join me on my first Five Minute Friday… Todays prompt: ACHE.

GO.  [Read more…]

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