When a Dive Attempt… Bellyflops (Five Minute Friday)

5…6…7… and 8…

Oh hey. Sorry, didn’t see ya there. I was just doing my finger calisthenics and warming up for my weekly Five Minute Friday Finger Sprint with our friend Lisa Jo.

Five Minute Friday

Here’s how it works. Lisa Jo gives us a prompt. Then we write for five minutes whatever profound (or not-so-profound) thoughts comes to mind. No excessive editing or overthinking. Just going with the flow, writing then linking up in our FMF community.

Enough chit chat. Let’s get started.

Todays prompt: DIVE

And GO! [Read more…]

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Undercover Opportunity (Five Minute Friday)

After a month-long (ish) hiatus, Five Minute Friday is back, folks!

Five Minute Friday

Who’s excited? This girl! (I’ve missed Lisa Jo Baker’s finger wind-sprint work outs.)

For those of you who are new ’round these parts, here’s how it works: Each Friday, Lisa gives us a prompt. Then we write. For five minutes flat. No over thinking, no editing. Just going with the flow.

Then we pop over to her place and link up. Simple as that. (Where IS my Easy Button??)

Ready to get back in the groove? Let’s get this party started.

Todays Prompt: Opportunity

GO!  [Read more…]

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Keep It Down In There! (Five Minute Friday)

Hey all.

Tis Friday. Specifically, tis Five Minute Friday.

Today, I link-up with Lisa-Jo Baker for a writing exercise of epic proportions. She gives us a prompt. Then we write. For five minutes flat. No over thinking. No nit-picking. Just write.
Five Minute Friday

So let’s get this par-tay started, shall we?

Today’s prompt: QUIET

Anddd GO! [Read more…]

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Loud ‘n’ Clear (Five Minute Friday)

It’s FRIDAY! Which can only mean one thing…

Being productive is optional. (Just kidding. You best get back to work before your boss catches you.)

But seriously– in my little blogging world, Friday equals FIVE MINUTE FRIDAY. Get pumped.
Five Minute Friday

Each week, I link up with Lisa-Jo Baker. She gives us a prompt. Then we write for five minutes and push publish.

It’s like wind sprints for the finger tips. (That sounds like a great slogan! Anybody?)

Let’s get this party started, shall we?

Today’s prompt: VOICE

Annnddd GO!! [Read more…]

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Looking for the Lost

Hi peeps! It’s Friday– more specifically, it’s FIVE MINUTE FRIDAY.

Here’s the scoop: Each week, I link up with Lisa-Jo Baker. She gives us a prompt. Then we write. For five minutes flat. No over thinking, no editing.

(Not only is it a great writing exercise, but it is a great way for this preggo to get her brain chugging without the assistance of caffeine.)
Five Minute Friday

Let’s get this part-ay started.

Todays Prompt: LOOK

And GO! [Read more…]

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Check your Gauge (Five Minute Friday)

It’s time for Five Minute Friday. (I will give you a moment to collect yourself.)

FMF is a great exercise, just to write– for five minutes flat, not stressing about grammar and commas, not overthinking the process or the message.
Five Minute Friday
Just write. Then we link up with Lisa-Jo. 

Easy, huh? (Just what we need on a low-key Friday!)

Let’s do this.

Today’s prompt: GRACEFUL

Anddddd GO! [Read more…]

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Finders Keepers

Hey all! It’s Friday, so here’s the dealio…

I link up with Lisa-Jo Baker for Five Minute Friday. Five Minute Friday

We write. For five minutes.

No over thinking or excessive editing. We just go with it.

Let’s get this party started.

Todays Prompt: CHANGE

Annnddd… GO!!!! [Read more…]

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When Stuck is a Good thing (Five Minute Friday)

Everybody know what time it is?

(If your first instinct was to say “TOOL TIME” that’s fine, but you would be incorrect. 🙂 )

It’s time for Five Minute Friday.

In short: Each Friday, I link up with Lisa-Jo Baker. She gives us a prompt. Then we write. For five minutes flat, no over thinking, no editing.

Simple as that.
Five Minute Friday
So, whaddya say– let’s do this!

Todays prompt: JOIN

Ready? GO [Read more…]

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Ready or Not… (Five Minute Friday)

Hey yo, readers o’ glory. (Don’t ask what’s with the weird talking all coolio/medieval combination. All I can say is I have no idea– and I’m chalking it up to Friday randomness.)

It time for Five Minute Friday here at 7 Days Time. For those of you new to our little hangout, each Friday I link up with Lisa-Jo, our favorite Gypsy Mama. She gives us a prompt. Then we write.

How long do we write? Yep, you guessed it– for five minutes flat.
Five Minute Friday

It’s a great change of pace from thinking and writing of normal blog posts days. Because with this post, there is no over-thinking, excessive editing etc. We let our fingers flows, going with our gut and going with God.

Today’s prompt: HERE

Ready? GO! [Read more…]

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What Really Matters (5 Minute Friday, Modified)

Good morning, sweet readers. So, fun fact. Summers get crazy for us in the blogging world. Between conferences, family time and vacations where places have no reception, our blogging sched gets a wee bit jacked up.

Today, our typical Five Minute Friday is a little different. The leader of this weekly link-up, Lisa-Jo is disconnected for vacay. (Interesting how I wrote about being “Unplugged” yesterday and I myself was away from all things technology a few days ago.)  She left us a former blog post, and since I had nothing prepared to share this morning (can you say post-vacation-brain-mush) as I was planning for Five Minute Friday… I have decided create my own Five Minute writing fiasco.

I’m picking my own prompt based on her blog article today. Little different, but welcome to the world of blog improvisation and brain-mush syndrome 🙂

So today’s self-prompt: What Really Matters 

Ready? GO!  [Read more…]

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